i2c on RPi Zero?

Oleksandr Tymoshenko gonzo at bluezbox.com
Sat Jan 5 19:58:21 UTC 2019

Per Hedeland (per at hedeland.org) wrote:
> I did a bit more testing on the Zero to see if the FreeBSD version
> mattered:
> FreeBSD-12.0-STABLE-arm-armv6-RPI-B-20190103-r342709.img - still no
> luck.
> FreeBSD-11.2-STABLE-arm-armv6-RPI-B-20190103-r342709.img - works!
> (I.e. dmesg reports as below and /dev/iic{0,1} get created - I haven't
> tested actual usage beyond having 'i2c -s' report "no devices found".)
> I guess that the i2c support hasn't been removed intentionally,
> i.e. this seems to be a regression - or is there some additional
> config etc required to enable it with FreeBSD-12? The iic and iicbus
> drivers appear to be built into the kernel in both 11 and 12.
> (I haven't tested FreeBSD-12 on the Pi B, but I would guess that the
> result will be the same as on the Zero, since it seems the hardware is
> the same.)

There was a transition in device tree files between 11 and 12.
bcm2708-rpi-0-w.dtb has i2c nodes but they're disabled by default.
Try editing config.txt on FAT partition and adding following line:


This should make boot firmware to enable device nodes in the device
tree blob during the boot.


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