patch: make SD images for arm64 boards at same

YAMAMOTO Shigeru shigeru at
Tue Feb 26 01:37:00 UTC 2019

Hi, all,

I try to change src/release/ to make SD images for

diff for head is

A sequence of making a SD image is
1. make cross compile environment
2. make user land binarys
3. make kernel
4. install user land binarys to a SD image
5. install kernel to a SD image
6. install ipl/u-boot to a SD image
7. configure /etc

For RPI3/PINE64/PINE64-LTE/PINEBOOK, there is no differences without step 6.
So I change step 6 to loop for each boards.

I test RPI3, PINE64.
I can boot using RPI3 and PINE64 SD image.

I don't test PINE64-LTE, PINEBOOK because I have no them.

YAMAMOTO Shigeru <shigeru at>

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