intc0,17 on Raspberry Pi 1

Bernd Walter ticso at
Tue Feb 5 13:36:35 UTC 2019

interrupt                                             total       rate
intc0,2: vchiq0                                           2          0
intc0,11: systimer0                                30942515       1121
intc0,17: +                                       663141573      24032
intc0,28: bcm_dma0                                   564264         20
intc0,61: iichb0                                        104          0
intc0,65: uart0                                         233          0
intc0,70: +                                           63590          2
Total                                             694712281      25176

It has a rather high trigger rate, but only a plus designator.
Could be USB related as, of course, it has network traffic.
However, the interrupt 17 is listed in the DMA controller:
bcm_dma0: <BCM2835 DMA Controller> mem 0x7e007000-0x7e007eff irq 4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19 on simplebus0
70, which has a rather low rate, isn't listed in dmesg at all.
devinfo -rv doesn't list Interrupt 17 at all.
It does list 0x17 for uart0, but uart0 shouldn't have a high rate and I
assume vmstat -i to list decimal interrupt numbers.

This is on a Wandboard-Quad:
interrupt                                             total       rate
gic0,p13: mp_tmr0                                 218100482        635
gic0,s22: +                                        16577830         48
gic0,s24: +                                        16583271         48
gic0,s26: uart0                                         144          0
gic0,s40: ehci1                                     4400211         13
gic0,s66: gpio0                                      935315          3
gpio0,6: ffec0                                       935315          3
cpu0:rendezvous                                     1125454          3
cpu1:rendezvous                                     1085171          3
cpu2:rendezvous                                     1101109          3
cpu3:rendezvous                                     1111276          3
cpu0:ast                                                 54          0
cpu1:ast                                                 98          0
cpu2:ast                                                 76          0
cpu3:ast                                                 94          0
cpu0:preempt                                        5775713         17
cpu1:preempt                                        8540039         25
cpu2:preempt                                        7938877         23
cpu3:preempt                                        8334248         24
cpu0:hardclock                                        36400          0
Total                                             292581177        852

Also some mysterios plus interrupts, but non with such a high rate.

B.Walter <bernd at>
Modbus/TCP Ethernet I/O Baugruppen, ARM basierte FreeBSD Rechner uvm.

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