Attempt to update Rock64 to head -r355976 failed to boot afterwards, anyone have a recent FreeBSD booting a Rock64?
Emmanuel Vadot
manu at
Sun Dec 22 10:38:56 UTC 2019
On Sun, 22 Dec 2019 00:22:16 -0800
Mark Millard via freebsd-arm <freebsd-arm at> wrote:
> [OverDrive 1000 and MACCHIATObin Doubleshot updates went fine.
> The code has Peter Jeremy's rk_tsadc.c patch.]
> The console shows for boot -v . . .
> Loading kernel...
> /boot/kernel/kernel text=0x98af14 data=0x18e618 data=0x0+0x6fc8e8 syms=[0x8+0x142020+0x8+0x12d3fd]
> Loading configured modules...
> /boot/kernel/umodem.ko text=0x2120 text=0x13e0 data=0x6e8+0x10 syms=[0x8+0xf60+0x8+0xb7f]
> /boot/kernel/ucom.ko text=0x217f text=0x3340 data=0x880+0x858 syms=[0x8+0x1170+0x8+0xb0d]
> /boot/entropy size=0x1000
> Hit [Enter] to boot immediately, or any other key for command prompt.
> Booting [/boot/kernel/kernel] in 8 seconds...
> Type '?' for a list of commands, 'help' for more detailed help.
> OK boot -v
> Using DTB provided by EFI at 0x80f3000.
> ---<<BOOT>>---
> KDB: debugger backends: ddb
> KDB: current backend: ddb
> Type Physical Virtual #Pages Attr
> ConventionalMemory 000000200000 200000 00007ef3 WB
> BootServicesData 0000080f3000 80f3000 0000001a WB
> ConventionalMemory 00000810d000 810d000 000ebd64 WB
> LoaderData 0000f3e71000 f3e71000 00008001 WB
> LoaderCode 0000fbe72000 fbe72000 000000a6 WB
> Reserved 0000fbf18000 fbf18000 00000007 WB
> BootServicesData 0000fbf1f000 fbf1f000 00000001 WB
> RuntimeServicesData 0000fbf20000 fbf20000 00000001 WB RUNTIME
> BootServicesData 0000fbf21000 fbf21000 00000002 WB
> Reserved 0000fbf23000 fbf23000 00000004 WB
> BootServicesData 0000fbf27000 fbf27000 00000002 WB
> RuntimeServicesData 0000fbf29000 fbf29000 00000001 WB RUNTIME
> LoaderData 0000fbf2a000 fbf2a000 00003006 WB
> RuntimeServicesCode 0000fef30000 fef30000 00000010 WB RUNTIME
> LoaderData 0000fef40000 fef40000 000000c0 WB
> Physical memory chunk(s):
> 0x00200000 - 0xfbf17fff, 4029 MB (1031448 pages)
> 0xfbf1f000 - 0xfbf22fff, 0 MB ( 4 pages)
> 0xfbf27000 - 0xfef2ffff, 48 MB ( 12297 pages)
> 0xfef40000 - 0xfeffffff, 0 MB ( 192 pages)
> Excluded memory regions:
> 0xf4000000 - 0xf5702fff, 23 MB ( 5891 pages) NoAlloc
> 0xfbf18000 - 0xfbf1efff, 0 MB ( 7 pages) NoAlloc
> 0xfbf20000 - 0xfbf20fff, 0 MB ( 1 pages) NoAlloc
> 0xfbf23000 - 0xfbf26fff, 0 MB ( 4 pages) NoAlloc
> 0xfbf29000 - 0xfbf29fff, 0 MB ( 1 pages) NoAlloc
> 0xfef30000 - 0xfef3ffff, 0 MB ( 16 pages) NoAlloc
> Found 4 CPUs in the device tree
> Copyright (c) 1992-2019 The FreeBSD Project.
> Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
> The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
> FreeBSD is a registered trademark of The FreeBSD Foundation.
> FreeBSD 13.0-CURRENT #30 r355976M: Fri Dec 20 23:46:32 PST 2019
> markmi at FBSDFHUGE:/usr/obj/cortexA53_clang/arm64.aarch64/usr/src/arm64.aarch64/sys/GENERIC-NODBG arm64
> FreeBSD clang version 9.0.0 (tags/RELEASE_900/final 372316) (based on LLVM 9.0.0)
> VT: init without driver.
> Preloaded elf kernel "/boot/kernel/kernel" at 0xffff0000014d6000.
> Preloaded elf module "/boot/kernel/umodem.ko" at 0xffff0000014def48.
> Preloaded elf module "/boot/kernel/ucom.ko" at 0xffff0000014df760.
> Preloaded boot_entropy_cache "/boot/entropy" at 0xffff0000014dff38.
> module firmware already present!
> Starting CPU 1 (1)
> Starting CPU 2 (2)
> Starting CPU 3 (3)
> FreeBSD/SMP: Multiprocessor System Detected: 4 CPUs
> random: read 4096 bytes from preloaded cache
> random: unblocking device.
> VIMAGE (virtualized network stack) enabled
> ULE: setup cpu 0
> ULE: setup cpu 1
> ULE: setup cpu 2
> ULE: setup cpu 3
> snd_unit_init() u=0x00ff8000 [512] d=0x00007c00 [32] c=0x000003ff [1024]
> feeder_register: snd_unit=-1 snd_maxautovchans=16 latency=2 feeder_rate_min=1 feeder_rate_max=2016000 feeder_rate_round=25
> random: entropy device external interface
> MAP fbf20000 mode 2 pages 1
> MAP fbf29000 mode 2 pages 1
> MAP fef30000 mode 2 pages 16
> nfslock: pseudo-device
> crypto: <crypto core>
> WARNING: Device "kbd" is Giant locked and may be deleted before FreeBSD 13.0.
> kbd0 at kbdmux0
> mem: <memory>
> null: <full device, null device, zero device>
> openfirm: <Open Firmware control device>
> WARNING: Device "openfirm" is Giant locked and may be deleted before FreeBSD 13.0.
> ofwbus0: <Open Firmware Device Tree>
> clk_fixed0: <Fixed clock> on ofwbus0
> rk_grf0: <RockChip General Register Files> mem 0xff100000-0xff100fff on ofwbus0
> simplebus0: <Flattened device tree simple bus> on ofwbus0
> rk3328_cru0: <Rockchip RK3328 Clock and Reset Unit> mem 0xff440000-0xff440fff on ofwbus0
> Clock: apll, parent: xin24m(0), freq: 400000000
> Clock: dpll, parent: xin24m(0), freq: 1596000000
> Clock: cpll, parent: xin24m(0), freq: 594000000
> Clock: gpll, parent: xin24m(0), freq: 576000000
> Clock: npll, parent: xin24m(0), freq: 800000000
> Clock: aclk_bus_pre, parent: gpll(1), freq: 96000000
> Clock: hclk_bus_pre, parent: aclk_bus_pre(0), freq: 48000000
> Clock: pclk_bus_pre, parent: aclk_bus_pre(0), freq: 48000000
> Clock: armclk, parent: apll(0), freq: 400000000
> Clock: clk_tsadc, parent: xin24m(0), freq: 119402
> Clock: aclk_peri_pre, parent: gpll(1), freq: 144000000
> Clock: pclk_peri, parent: aclk_peri_pre(0), freq: 144000000
> Clock: hclk_peri, parent: aclk_peri_pre(0), freq: 28800000
> Clock: clk_sdmmc, parent: xin24m(2), freq: 800000
> Clock: clk_sdio, parent: cpll(0), freq: 297000000
> Clock: clk_emmc, parent: gpll(1), freq: 96000000
> Clock: clk_i2c0, parent: cpll(0), freq: 74250000
> Clock: clk_i2c1, parent: cpll(0), freq: 74250000
> Clock: clk_i2c2, parent: cpll(0), freq: 74250000
> Clock: clk_i2c3, parent: cpll(0), freq: 74250000
> Clock: apll_core, parent: apll(0), freq: 400000000
> Clock: dpll_core, parent: dpll(0), freq: 1596000000
> Clock: gpll_core, parent: gpll(0), freq: 576000000
> Clock: npll_core, parent: npll(0), freq: 800000000
> Clock: gpll_peri, parent: gpll(0), freq: 576000000
> Clock: cpll_peri, parent: cpll(0), freq: 594000000
> Clock: pclk_bus, parent: pclk_bus_pre(0), freq: 48000000
> Clock: pclk_phy_pre, parent: pclk_bus_pre(0), freq: 48000000
> Clock: aclk_peri, parent: aclk_peri_pre(0), freq: 144000000
> Clock: pclk_i2c0, parent: pclk_bus(0), freq: 48000000
> Clock: pclk_i2c1, parent: pclk_bus(0), freq: 48000000
> Clock: pclk_i2c2, parent: pclk_bus(0), freq: 48000000
> Clock: pclk_i2c3, parent: pclk_bus(0), freq: 48000000
> Clock: pclk_tsadc, parent: pclk_bus(0), freq: 48000000
> Clock: pclk_gpio0, parent: pclk_bus(0), freq: 48000000
> Clock: pclk_gpio1, parent: pclk_bus(0), freq: 48000000
> Clock: pclk_gpio2, parent: pclk_bus(0), freq: 48000000
> Clock: pclk_gpio3, parent: pclk_bus(0), freq: 48000000
> Clock: hclk_sdmmc, parent: hclk_peri(0), freq: 28800000
> Clock: hclk_sdio, parent: hclk_peri(0), freq: 28800000
> Clock: hclk_emmc, parent: hclk_peri(0), freq: 28800000
> Clock: hclk_peri_niu, parent: hclk_peri(0), freq: 28800000
> Clock: pclk_peri_niu, parent: hclk_peri(0), freq: 28800000
> Clock: hclk_sdmmc_ext, parent: hclk_peri(0), freq: 28800000
> rk3328_cru0: cannot get assigned clock at idx 0
> rk3328_cru0: cannot get assigned clock at idx 1
> rk3328_cru0: cannot get assigned clock at idx 2
> rk3328_cru0: cannot get assigned clock at idx 3
> rk3328_cru0: cannot get assigned clock at idx 4
> rk3328_cru0: cannot get assigned clock at idx 5
> rk3328_cru0: cannot get assigned clock at idx 6
> rk3328_cru0: cannot get assigned clock at idx 7
> rk3328_cru0: Set pclk_gpio2 to 100000000
> rk3328_cru0: cannot get assigned clock at idx 9
> rk3328_cru0: cannot get assigned clock at idx 10
> rk3328_cru0: cannot get assigned clock at idx 11
> rk3328_cru0: Set pclk_gpio0 to 50000000
> rk3328_cru0: Set pclk_gpio1 to 100000000
> rk3328_cru0: cannot get assigned clock at idx 14
> rk3328_cru0: cannot get assigned clock at idx 15
> rk3328_cru0: cannot get assigned clock at idx 16
> rk3328_cru0: cannot get assigned clock at idx 17
> rk3328_cru0: Set clk_sdio to 50000000
> rk3328_cru0: cannot get assigned clock at idx 19
> rk3328_cru0: cannot get assigned clock at idx 20
> rk3328_cru0: Set armclk to 600000000
> rk3328_cru0: Set gpll to 491520000
> rk3328_cru0: Set cpll to 1200000000
> rk3328_cru0: cannot get assigned clock at idx 24
> rk3328_cru0: cannot get assigned clock at idx 25
> rk3328_cru0: cannot get assigned clock at idx 26
> rk3328_cru0: cannot get assigned clock at idx 27
> rk3328_cru0: cannot get assigned clock at idx 28
> rk3328_cru0: cannot get assigned clock at idx 29
> rk3328_cru0: Set pclk_gpio2 to 300000000
> rk3328_cru0: cannot get assigned clock at idx 31
> rk3328_cru0: cannot get assigned clock at idx 32
> rk3328_cru0: cannot get assigned clock at idx 33
> rk3328_cru0: cannot get assigned clock at idx 34
> rk3328_cru0: cannot get assigned clock at idx 35
> rk3328_cru0: Set pclk_gpio0 to 200000000
> rk3328_cru0: Set pclk_gpio1 to 300000000
> rk3328_cru0: cannot get assigned clock at idx 38
> rk3328_cru0: cannot ge3328_cru0: Set hclk_sdmmc_ext to 50000000
> rk3328_cru0: cannot get assigned clock at idx 46
> rk3328_cru0: cannot get assigned clock at idx 47
> clk_fixed1: <Fixed clock> on ofwbus0
> regfix0: <Fixed Regulator> on ofwbus0
> regfix1: <Fixed Regulator> on ofwbus0
> regfix2: <Fixed Regulator> on ofwbus0
> simple_mfd0: <Simple MFD (Multi-Functions Device)> mem 0xff140000-0xff140fff on ofwbus0
> psci0: <ARM Power State Co-ordination Interface Driver> on ofwbus0
> psci0: PSCI version 0.2 compatible
> gic0: <ARM Generic Interrupt Controller> mem 0xff811000-0xff811fff,0xff812000-0xff813fff,0xff814000-0xff815fff,0xff816000-0xff817fff irq 30 on ofwbus0
> gic0: pn 0x2, arch 0x2, rev 0x1, implementer 0x43b irqs 160
> rk_pinctrl0: <RockChip Pinctrl controller> on ofwbus0
> gpio0: <RockChip GPIO Bank controller> mem 0xff210000-0xff2100ff irq 34 on rk_pinctrl0
> gpio0: Cannot get clock
> Fatal data abort:
> x0: 0
> x1: ffff000001114d00
> x2: ffff0000009daf48
> x3: ffff0000402189c0
> x4: fffffd0000bd5a00
> x5: ffff000000774268
> x6: a
> x7: a
> x8: 20000
> x9: ffff000001114d00
> x10: fffffd0000aaaa98
> x11: 0
> x12: fffffd0000847f80
> x13: def8fc
> x14: 808003
> x15: 3
> x16: 0
> x17: 0
> x18: ffff000000010680
> x19: fffffd0000bbb900
> x20: 0
> x21: fffffd0000bd6250
> x22: fffffd0000bd6230
> x23: ffff00000082a262
> x24: ffff00000084d913
> x25: ffff0000007f3639
> x26: fffffd0000bc5d00
> x27: ffff000000864f42
> x28: ffff00000084d5d7
> x29: ffff000000010690
> sp: ffff000000010680
> lr: ffff0000007bebcc
> elr: ffff000000191090
> spsr: a00001c5
> far: 8
> esr: 96000005
> panic: vm_fault failed: ffff000000191090
> cpuid = 0
> time = 1
> KDB: stack backtrace:
> db_trace_self() at db_trace_self_wrapper+0x28
> pc = 0xffff0000007664dc lr = 0xffff0000001067c4
> sp = 0xffff000000010080 fp = 0xffff000000010290
> db_trace_self_wrapper() at vpanic+0x194
> pc = 0xffff0000001067c4 lr = 0xffff0000004208a0
> sp = 0xffff0000000102a0 fp = 0xffff000000010340
> vpanic() at panic+0x44
> pc = 0xffff0000004208a0 lr = 0xffff000000420708
> sp = 0xffff000000010350 fp = 0xffff0000000103d0
> panic() at data_abort+0x1e0
> pc = 0xffff000000420708 lr = 0xffff00000078217c
> sp = 0xffff0000000103e0 fp = 0xffff000000010490
> data_abort() at do_el1h_sync+0x144
> pc = 0xffff00000078217c lr = 0xffff000000781398
> sp = 0xffff0000000104a0 fp = 0xffff0000000104d0
> do_el1h_sync() at handle_el1h_sync+0x78
> pc = 0xffff000000781398 lr = 0xffff000000768878
> sp = 0xffff0000000104e0 fp = 0xffff0000000105f0
> handle_el1h_sync() at rk_gpio_attach+0x19c
> pc = 0xffff000000768878 lr = 0xffff0000007bebc8
> sp = 0xffff000000010600 fp = 0xffff000000010690
> rk_gpio_attach() at rk_gpio_attach+0x19c
> pc = 0xffff0000007bebc8 lr = 0xffff0000007bebc8
> sp = 0xffff0000000106a0 fp = 0xffff0000000106c0
> rk_gpio_attach() at device_attach+0x3e0
> pc = 0xffff0000007bebc8 lr = 0xffff000000459f0c
> sp = 0xffff0000000106d0 fp = 0xffff000000010730
> device_attach() at device_probe_and_attach+0x3c
> pc = 0xffff000000459f0c lr = 0xffff000000459b0c
> sp = 0xffff000000010740 fp = 0xffff000000010750
> device_probe_and_attach() at rk_pinctrl_attach+0x210
> pc = 0xffff000000459b0c lr = 0xffff0000007be2c0
> sp = 0xffff000000010760 fp = 0xffff0000000107c0
> rk_pinctrl_attach() at device_attach+0x3e0
> pc = 0xffff0000007be2c0 lr = 0xffff000000459f0c
> sp = 0xffff0000000107d0 fp = 0xffff000000010830
> device_attach() at bus_generic_new_pass+0x11c
> pc = 0xffff000000459f0c lr = 0xffff00000045bdd0
> sp = 0xffff000000010840 fp = 0xffff000000010870
> bus_generic_new_pass() at bus_generic_new_pass+0xac
> pc = 0xffff00000045bdd0 lr = 0xffff00000045bd60
> sp = 0xffff000000010880 fp = 0xffff0000000108b0
> bus_generic_new_pass() at bus_generic_new_pass+0xac
> pc = 0xffff00000045bd60 lr = 0xffff00000045bd60
> sp = 0xffff0000000108c0 fp = 0xffff0000000108f0
> bus_generic_new_pass() at root_bus_configure+0x40
> pc = 0xffff00000045bd60 lr = 0xffff00000045dec4
> sp = 0xffff000000010900 fp = 0xffff000000010930
> root_bus_configure() at mi_startup+0x228
> pc = 0xffff00000045dec4 lr = 0xffff0000003b4ec0
> sp = 0xffff000000010940 fp = 0xffff0000000109a0
> mi_startup() at virtdone+0x58
> pc = 0xffff0000003b4ec0 lr = 0xffff000000001088
> sp = 0xffff0000000109b0 fp = 0x0000000000000000
> KDB: enter: panic
> [ thread pid 0 tid 100000 ]
> Stopped at clk_disable+0x10: ldr x19, [x0, #8]
> db>
> ===
> Mark Millard
> marklmi at
> ( went
> away in early 2018-Mar)
I don't have the same clocks from the dtb, make sure that you are
using the latest one.
rk3328_cru0: <Rockchip RK3328 Clock and Reset Unit> mem 0xff440000-0xff440fff on ofwbus0
Clock: apll, parent: xin24m(0), freq: 400000000
Clock: dpll, parent: xin24m(0), freq: 1596000000
Clock: cpll, parent: xin24m(0), freq: 594000000
Clock: gpll, parent: xin24m(0), freq: 576000000
Clock: npll, parent: xin24m(0), freq: 800000000
Clock: aclk_bus_pre, parent: gpll(1), freq: 96000000
Clock: hclk_bus_pre, parent: aclk_bus_pre(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: pclk_bus_pre, parent: aclk_bus_pre(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: armclk, parent: apll(0), freq: 200000000
Clock: clk_tsadc, parent: xin24m(0), freq: 119402
Clock: aclk_peri_pre, parent: gpll(1), freq: 144000000
Clock: pclk_peri, parent: aclk_peri_pre(0), freq: 144000000
Clock: hclk_peri, parent: aclk_peri_pre(0), freq: 28800000
Clock: clk_sdmmc, parent: gpll(1), freq: 96000000
Clock: clk_sdio, parent: cpll(0), freq: 297000000
Clock: clk_emmc, parent: xin24m(2), freq: 800000
Clock: clk_i2c0, parent: cpll(0), freq: 74250000
Clock: clk_i2c1, parent: cpll(0), freq: 74250000
Clock: clk_i2c2, parent: cpll(0), freq: 74250000
Clock: clk_i2c3, parent: cpll(0), freq: 74250000
Clock: apll_core, parent: apll(0), freq: 400000000
Clock: dpll_core, parent: dpll(0), freq: 1596000000
Clock: gpll_core, parent: gpll(0), freq: 576000000
Clock: npll_core, parent: npll(0), freq: 800000000
Clock: gpll_peri, parent: gpll(0), freq: 576000000
Clock: cpll_peri, parent: cpll(0), freq: 594000000
Clock: pclk_bus, parent: pclk_bus_pre(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: pclk_phy_pre, parent: pclk_bus_pre(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: aclk_peri, parent: aclk_peri_pre(0), freq: 144000000
Clock: pclk_i2c0, parent: pclk_bus(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: pclk_i2c1, parent: pclk_bus(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: pclk_i2c2, parent: pclk_bus(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: pclk_i2c3, parent: pclk_bus(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: pclk_tsadc, parent: pclk_bus(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: pclk_gpio0, parent: pclk_bus(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: pclk_gpio1, parent: pclk_bus(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: pclk_gpio2, parent: pclk_bus(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: pclk_gpio3, parent: pclk_bus(0), freq: 48000000
Clock: hclk_sdmmc, parent: hclk_peri(0), freq: 28800000
Clock: hclk_sdio, parent: hclk_peri(0), freq: 28800000
Clock: hclk_emmc, parent: hclk_peri(0), freq: 28800000
Clock: hclk_peri_niu, parent: hclk_peri(0), freq: 28800000
Clock: pclk_peri_niu, parent: hclk_peri(0), freq: 28800000
Clock: hclk_sdmmc_ext, parent: hclk_peri(0), freq: 28800000
rk3328_cru0: cannot get assigned clock at idx 0
rk3328_cru0: cannot get assigned clock at idx 1
rk3328_cru0: cannot get assigned clock at idx 2
rk3328_cru0: cannot get assigned clock at idx 3
rk3328_cru0: cannot get assigned clock at idx 4
rk3328_cru0: cannot get assigned clock at idx 5
rk3328_cru0: cannot get parent at idx 6
Cannot set frequency for clk: aclk_bus_pre, error: 34
rk3328_cru0: Failed to set aclk_bus_pre to a frequency of 15000000
Cannot set frequency for clk: aclk_peri_pre, error: 34
rk3328_cru0: Failed to set aclk_peri_pre to a frequency of 15000000
rk3328_cru0: cannot get assigned clock at idx 8
rk3328_cru0: cannot get assigned clock at idx 9
rk3328_cru0: cannot get assigned clock at idx 10
rk3328_cru0: cannot get assigned clock at idx 11
rk3328_cru0: cannot get assigned clock at idx 12
rk3328_cru0: cannot get assigned clock at idx 13
rk3328_cru0: cannot get assigned clock at idx 14
rk3328_cru0: cannot get assigned clock at idx 15
rk3328_cru0: cannot get assigned clock at idx 16
rk3328_cru0: cannot get assigned clock at idx 17
rk3328_cru0: Set clk_sdio to 50000000
rk3328_cru0: cannot get assigned clock at idx 19
rk3328_cru0: cannot get assigned clock at idx 20
rk3328_cru0: Set armclk to 600000000
rk3328_cru0: Set gpll to 491520000
rk3328_cru0: Set cpll to 1200000000
rk3328_cru0: Set aclk_bus_pre to 150000000
rk3328_cru0: Set hclk_bus_pre to 75000000
rk3328_cru0: Set pclk_bus_pre to 75000000
rk3328_cru0: Set aclk_peri_pre to 150000000
rk3328_cru0: Set hclk_peri to 75000000
rk3328_cru0: Set pclk_peri to 75000000
rk3328_cru0: cannot get assigned clock at idx 30
clk_fixed1: <Fixed clock> on ofwbus0
regfix0: <Fixed Regulator> on ofwbus0
regfix1: <Fixed Regulator> on ofwbus0
regfix2: <Fixed Regulator> on ofwbus0
regfix3: <Fixed Regulator> on ofwbus0
simple_mfd0: <Simple MFD (Multi-Functions Device)> mem 0xff450000-0xff45ffff on ofwbus0
psci0: <ARM Power State Co-ordination Interface Driver> on ofwbus0
psci0: PSCI version 0.2 compatible
gic0: <ARM Generic Interrupt Controller> mem 0xff811000-0xff811fff,0xff812000-0xff813fff,0xff814000-0xff815fff,0xff816000-0xff817fff irq 49 o
n ofwbus0
gic0: pn 0x2, arch 0x2, rev 0x1, implementer 0x43b irqs 160
rk_pinctrl0: <RockChip Pinctrl controller> on ofwbus0
gpio0: <RockChip GPIO Bank controller> mem 0xff210000-0xff2100ff irq 52 on rk_pinctrl0
gpiobus0: <OFW GPIO bus> on gpio0
gpio1: <RockChip GPIO Bank controller> mem 0xff220000-0xff2200ff irq 53 on rk_pinctrl0
gpiobus1: <OFW GPIO bus> on gpio1
gpio2: <RockChip GPIO Bank controller> mem 0xff230000-0xff2300ff irq 54 on rk_pinctrl0
gpiobus2: <OFW GPIO bus> on gpio2
gpio3: <RockChip GPIO Bank controller> mem 0xff240000-0xff2400ff irq 55 on rk_pinctrl0
gpiobus3: <OFW GPIO bus> on gpio3
FreeBSD 13.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 13.0-CURRENT #4631 r356002+bdb3ec248ab1-c265272(master): Sun Dec 22 11:32:11 CET 2019 manu at arm64
sha256 /boot/dtb/rockchip/rk3328-rock64.dtb
SHA256 (/boot/dtb/rockchip/rk3328-rock64.dtb) = 50a180fed37f1d5dbfda60a6c55261c7b87b5b2bc97e428042481c94877da317
Emmanuel Vadot <manu at> <manu at>
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