gpioiic FDT overlays for sun8i-h3

Nick Kostirya nikolay.kostirya at
Thu Dec 19 07:59:46 UTC 2019

On Mon, 02 Dec 2019 17:04:58 -0700
Ian Lepore <ian at> wrote:

> >   
> Well, it did turn complicated, but I got it all worked out.
> Are you building an image from source code, or using a downloaded
> snapshot or release image, or what?
> If you are building from source, apply the attached patch to your
> source tree and rebuild the kernel.
> If you are using a prebuilt image, then I'll get these changes merged
> to the stable-12 tree this week, and the next stable-12 snapshot images
> will include what you need.  I think those images get built every
> Thursday.
> -- Ian

It doesn't work.

I missed something. But what it is?

I use

> grep gpioiic /boot/loader.conf

I did make /boot/dtb/overlays/sun8i-h3-gpioiic.dtbo from

> cat sun8i-h3-gpioiic.dtso

/ {
        compatible = "allwinner,sun8i-h3";

&{/soc/pinctrl at 1c20800} {
        gpioiic at 0 {
                compatible = "allwinner,sun8i-h3,gpioiic";
                scl = <0>; /*    GPIO pin 00 (PA0) */
                sda = <2>; /*    GPIO pin 02 (PA2) */

I see gpioiic in ofwdump:
> ofwdump -a | grep -B 1 gpio
    Node 0x1b7c: pinctrl at 1c20800
      Node 0x1c74: gpioiic at 0

But I do not see in /dev and devinfo



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