64 bit ARM systems with more than four cores
Rodney W. Grimes
freebsd-rwg at gndrsh.dnsmgr.net
Tue Dec 3 07:45:18 UTC 2019
> > On 1. Dec 2019, at 22:37, John F Carr <jfc at mit.edu> wrote:
> >
> > I have a quad core 64 bit ARM system (SoftIron Overdrive 1000). I am wondering what faster 64 bit ARM systems exist and which of them work, or almost work, with FreeBSD.
> >
> > Excluding 4 core and below systems regardless of performance, and also excluding cloud-only hardware, I made the list below. Did I miss anything or inaccurately describe support?
> >
> > Two RK3399 based systems, 2 A-72 + 4 A-53: RockPro64 (http://www.pine64.com/) and ROCK Pi 4 (http://radxa.com). I can't use the RockPro64 due to the 1.5 MBps serial port. Apparently it works or almost works with some special handling if your serial interface can count to 1,500,000. The ROCK Pi 4 is in crochet so it must work... right? Does it have a reasonable console port bit rate?
> >
> > SoftIron Overdrive 3000, 8 A-53 cores. No longer available.
> >
> > One LX2160A based system, 16 A-72 cores: HoneyComb LX2K (https://www.solid-run.com/nxp-lx2160a-family/honeycomb-workstation/). I see relevant files in sys/gnu/dts/arm64/freescale but nothing outside of these files imported from Linux. It's not mentioned on https://wiki.freebsd.org/arm64. My guess is that means FreeBSD does not run. Is it a little job or a big one?
> >
> > SC2A11, 24 A-53 cores at 1 GHz: SynQuacer (https://www.96boards.org/product/developerbox/). I don't see any evidence of SC2A11 support in the kernel tree or on https://wiki.freebsd.org/arm64. My guess is that means FreeBSD does not run.
> >
> > ThunderX in various forms, rack mount or workstation. Nice specs and apparently supported but the two American system builders don't seem interested in selling me one.
> >
> > ThunderX2. Great specs and apparently mostly supported but rather expensive..
> I'm running a system from Ampere Computing / Lenovo:
> https://amperecomputing.com/
> in my lab.
More specifically I believe it is one of these that Michael has:
> See the dmesg output at
> https://dmesgd.nycbug.org/index.cgi?do=view&id=5068
> Best regards
> Michael
> >
> > (Honorable mention to Banana PI M3 with 8 cores, but 32 bits only.)
Rod Grimes rgrimes at freebsd.org
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