boot hangs in nanopi-neo

Daniel Braniss danny at
Sun Aug 18 12:54:23 UTC 2019

> On 18 Aug 2019, at 10:47, Daniel Braniss <danny at> wrote:
>> On 17 Aug 2019, at 21:32, Emmanuel Vadot <manu at> wrote:
>> On Sat, 17 Aug 2019 19:55:13 +0300
>> Daniel Braniss <danny at> wrote:
>>> after some months, I decided to upgrade, but now it stucks here:
>>> ?
>>> FreeBSD 13.0-CURRENT #13 r351126M: Sat Aug 17 13:19:09 IDT 2019
>>>  danny at pe-44:/home/obj/pe-44/arm/neo/r+d/vanilla/13/arm.armv7/r+d/vanilla/13/sys/AWG arm
>>> FreeBSD clang version 8.0.1 (tags/RELEASE_801/final 366581) (based on LLVM 8.0.1)
>>> WARNING: WITNESS option enabled, expect reduced performance.
>>> ?
>>> hub3: <Generic OHCI root HUB, class 9/0, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1> on usbus3
>>> mmcsd0: 8GB <SDHC SL08G 8.0 SN 6C912A00 MFG 10/2017 by 3 SD> at mmc0 50.0MHz/4bit/32768-block
>>> Release A
>>> at which point it hangs solid.
>>> BTW, I installed a newer u-boot (maybe it?s not the very latest)
>>> this is the full console output:
>>> USB Device(s) found
>>> scanning bus 1 for devices... 1 USB Device(s) found
>>> scanning bus 2 for devices... 1 USB Device(s) found
>>> scanning bus 3 for devices... 1 USB Device(s) found
>>>     scanning usb for storage devices... 0 Storage Device(s) found
>>> Hit any key to stop autoboot:  0 
>>> switch to partitions #0, OK
>>> mmc0 is current device
>>> Scanning mmc 0:1...
>>> Found U-Boot script /boot.scr
>>> 199 bytes read in 0 ms
>>> ## Executing script at 43100000
>>> 384788 bytes read in 24 ms (15.3 MiB/s)
>>> ## Starting application at 0x42000000 ...
>>> Consoles: U-Boot console  
>>> Compatible U-Boot API signature found @0x5bf6bca0
>>> FreeBSD/armv7 U-Boot loader, Revision 1.3
>>> (Sat Aug 17 12:49:43 IDT 2019 danny at pe-44)
>>> DRAM: 512MB
>>> Number of U-Boot devices: 1
>>> U-Boot env: loaderdev not set, will probe all devices.
>>> Found U-Boot device: disk
>>> Probing all <unknown> devices...
>>> Checking unit=0 slice=<auto> partition=<auto>... good.
>>> Booting from disk0s2a:
>>> Loading /boot/defaults/loader.conf
>>> Loading /boot/device.hints
>>> Loading /boot/loader.conf
>>> Loading /boot/loader.conf.local
>>> Loading kernel...
>>> /boot/kernel/kernel text=0x870a68 data=0xb4e18+0x259768 syms=[0x4+0xaa340+0x4+0x10d2ac]
>>> Loading configured modules...
>>> can't find '/boot/entropy'
>>> Hit [Enter] to boot immediately, or any other key for command prompt.
>>> Booting [/boot/kernel/kernel]...               
>>> /boot/dtb/sun8i-h3-nanopi-neo.dtb size=0x64d1
>>> Loaded DTB from file 'sun8i-h3-nanopi-neo.dtb'.
>>> Kernel entry at 0x42400180...
>>> Kernel args: (null)
>>> ---<<BOOT>>---
>>> KDB: debugger backends: ddb
>>> KDB: current backend: ddb
>>> Copyright (c) 1992-2019 The FreeBSD Project.
>>> Copyright (c) 1979, 1980, 1983, 1986, 1988, 1989, 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994
>>>      The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
>>> FreeBSD is a registered trademark of The FreeBSD Foundation.
>>> FreeBSD 13.0-CURRENT #13 r351126M: Sat Aug 17 13:19:09 IDT 2019
>>>  danny at pe-44:/home/obj/pe-44/arm/neo/r+d/vanilla/13/arm.armv7/r+d/vanilla/13/sys/AWG arm
>>> FreeBSD clang version 8.0.1 (tags/RELEASE_801/final 366581) (based on LLVM 8.0.1)
>>> WARNING: WITNESS option enabled, expect reduced performance.
>>> VT: init without driver.
>>> module_register: cannot register ofwbus/pcib from kernel; already loaded from kernel
>>> Module ofwbus/pcib failed to register: 17
>>> module_register: cannot register simplebus/pcib from kernel; already loaded from kernel
>>> Module simplebus/pcib failed to register: 17
>>> CPU: ARM Cortex-A7 r0p5 (ECO: 0x00000000)
>>> CPU Features: 
>>> Multiprocessing, Thumb2, Security, Virtualization, Generic Timer, VMSAv7,
>>> PXN, LPAE, Coherent Walk
>>> Optional instructions: 
>>> LoUU:2 LoC:3 LoUIS:2 
>>> Cache level 1:
>>> 32KB/64B 4-way data cache WB Read-Alloc Write-Alloc
>>> 32KB/32B 2-way instruction cache Read-Alloc
>>> Cache level 2:
>>> 512KB/64B 8-way unified cache WB Read-Alloc Write-Alloc
>>> real memory  = 536870912 (512 MB)
>>> avail memory = 506929152 (483 MB)
>>> No PSCI/SMCCC call function found
>>> FreeBSD/SMP: Multiprocessor System Detected: 4 CPUs
>>> arc4random: WARNING: initial seeding bypassed the cryptographic random device because it was not yet seeded and the knob 'bypass_before_seeding' was enabled.
>>> random: entropy device external interface
>>> kbd0 at kbdmux0
>>> ofwbus0: <Open Firmware Device Tree>
>>> ofw_clkbus0: <OFW clocks bus> on ofwbus0
>>> clk_fixed0: <Fixed clock> on ofw_clkbus0
>>> clk_fixed1: <Fixed clock> on ofw_clkbus0
>>> simplebus0: <Flattened device tree simple bus> on ofwbus0
>>> regfix0: <Fixed Regulator> on ofwbus0
>>> regfix1: <Fixed Regulator> on ofwbus0
>>> regfix2: <Fixed Regulator> on ofwbus0
>>> rtc0: <Allwinner RTC> mem 0x1f00000-0x1f003ff irq 40,41 on simplebus0
>>> rtc0: registered as a time-of-day clock, resolution 1.000000s
>>> ccu_h3ng0: <Allwinner H3/H5 Clock Control Unit NG> mem 0x1c20000-0x1c203ff on simplebus0
>>> ccu_sun8i_r0: <Allwinner SUN8I_R Clock Control Unit NG> mem 0x1f01400-0x1f014ff on simplebus0
>>> gic0: <ARM Generic Interrupt Controller> mem 0x1c81000-0x1c81fff,0x1c82000-0x1c83fff,0x1c84000-0x1c85fff,0x1c86000-0x1c87fff irq 37 on simplebus0
>>> gic0: pn 0x1, arch 0x2, rev 0x1, implementer 0x43b irqs 160
>>> gpio0: <Allwinner GPIO/Pinmux controller> mem 0x1c20800-0x1c20bff irq 18,19 on simplebus0
>>> gpiobus0: <OFW GPIO bus> on gpio0
>>> gpio1: <Allwinner GPIO/Pinmux controller> mem 0x1f02c00-0x1f02fff irq 44 on simplebus0
>>> gpiobus1: <OFW GPIO bus> on gpio1
>>> generic_timer0: <ARMv7 Generic Timer> irq 0,1,2,3 on ofwbus0
>>> Timecounter "ARM MPCore Timecounter" frequency 24000000 Hz quality 1000
>>> Event timer "ARM MPCore Eventtimer" frequency 24000000 Hz quality 1000
>>> aw_syscon0: <Allwinner syscon> mem 0x1c00000-0x1c00fff on simplebus0
>>> awusbphy0: <Allwinner USB PHY> mem 0x1c19400-0x1c1942b,0x1c1a800-0x1c1a803,0x1c1b800-0x1c1b803,0x1c1c800-0x1c1c803,0x1c1d800-0x1c1d803 on simplebus0
>>> a31dmac0: <Allwinner DMA controller> mem 0x1c02000-0x1c02fff irq 4 on simplebus0
>>> aw_mmc0: <Allwinner Integrated MMC/SD controller> mem 0x1c0f000-0x1c0ffff irq 6 on simplebus0
>>> mmc0: <MMC/SD bus> on aw_mmc0
>>> ehci0: <Allwinner Integrated USB 2.0 controller> mem 0x1c1a000-0x1c1a0ff irq 10 on simplebus0
>>> usbus0: EHCI version 1.0
>>> usbus0 on ehci0
>>> ohci0: <Generic OHCI Controller> mem 0x1c1a400-0x1c1a4ff irq 11 on simplebus0
>>> usbus1 on ohci0
>>> ehci1: <Allwinner Integrated USB 2.0 controller> mem 0x1c1d000-0x1c1d0ff irq 16 on simplebus0
>>> usbus2: EHCI version 1.0
>>> usbus2 on ehci1
>>> ohci1: <Generic OHCI Controller> mem 0x1c1d400-0x1c1d4ff irq 17 on simplebus0
>>> usbus3 on ohci1
>>> gpioc0: <GPIO controller> on gpio0
>>> awg0: <Allwinner Gigabit Ethernet> mem 0x1c30000-0x1c3ffff irq 22 on simplebus0
>>> miibus0: <MII bus> on awg0
>>> ukphy0: <Generic IEEE 802.3u media interface> PHY 0 on miibus0
>>> ukphy0:  none, 10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, auto, auto-flow
>>> ukphy1: <Generic IEEE 802.3u media interface> PHY 1 on miibus0
>>> ukphy1:  none, 10baseT, 10baseT-FDX, 100baseTX, 100baseTX-FDX, auto, auto-flow
>>> awg0: Ethernet address: f2:00:e7:81:61:2e
>>> aw_wdog0: <Allwinner A31 Watchdog> mem 0x1c20ca0-0x1c20cbf irq 25 on simplebus0
>>> uart2: <16750 or compatible> mem 0x1c28000-0x1c283ff irq 30 on simplebus0
>>> uart2: console (115384,n,8,1)
>>> gpioc1: <GPIO controller> on gpio1
>>> cpulist0: <Open Firmware CPU Group> on ofwbus0
>>> cpu0: <Open Firmware CPU> on cpulist0
>>> cpu1: <Open Firmware CPU> on cpulist0
>>> cpu2: <Open Firmware CPU> on cpulist0
>>> cpu3: <Open Firmware CPU> on cpulist0
>>> gpioled0: <GPIO LEDs> on ofwbus0
>>> cryptosoft0: <software crypto>
>>> Timecounters tick every 1.000 msec
>>> usbus0: 480Mbps High Speed USB v2.0
>>> usbus1: 12Mbps Full Speed USB v1.0
>>> usbus2: 480Mbps High Speed USB v2.0
>>> usbus3: 12Mbps Full Speed USB v1.0
>>> ugen1.1: <Generic OHCI root HUB> at usbus1
>>> uhub0 on usbus1
>>> uhub0: <Generic OHCI root HUB, class 9/0, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1> on usbus1
>>> ugen0.1: <Allwinner EHCI root HUB> at usbus0
>>> uhub1 on usbus0
>>> uhub1: <Allwinner EHCI root HUB, class 9/0, rev 2.00/1.00, addr 1> on usbus0
>>> ugen2.1: <Allwinner EHCI root HUB> at usbus2
>>> uhub2 on usbus2
>>> uhub2: <Allwinner EHCI root HUB, class 9/0, rev 2.00/1.00, addr 1> on usbus2
>>> ugen3.1: <Generic OHCI root HUB> at usbus3
>>> uhub3 on usbus3
>>> uhub3: <Generic OHCI root HUB, class 9/0, rev 1.00/1.00, addr 1> on usbus3
>>> mmcsd0: 8GB <SDHC SL08G 8.0 SN 6C912A00 MFG 10/2017 by 3 SD> at mmc0 50.0MHz/4bit/32768-block
>>> Release A
>> Could you boot -v please ?
> I think I found the problem, lousy usb power, will confirm later.

confirmed, had too many usb devs connected to my pc (really),
changed it’s power supply and now it’s ok!


> btw, any chance to enable the sid stuff? without it the ethernet changes it’s mac
> /dts-v1/;
> /plugin/;
> / {
>       compatible = "allwinner,sun50i-h5";
> };
> &{/soc} {
>       sid: eeprom at 1c14000 {
>               compatible = "allwinner,sun50i-h5-sid";
>               reg = <0x1c14000 0x400>;
>       };
> };
>> -- 
>> Emmanuel Vadot <manu at <mailto:manu at>> <manu at <mailto:manu at>>
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