GSOC 2018 ARM Cortex Processor

Michael Zhilin mizhka at
Tue Mar 13 06:07:33 UTC 2018


Disclaimer: I'm neither ARM expect nor GSoC person.

I may be wrong, but FreeBSD (or Linux, doesn't matter) requires MMU which
is missing in Cortex M/R family of ARM processors. So it's technically
difficult/impossible to port it on non-MMU processor.

Added freebsd-arm@ for wide audience.

Thank you!

On Tue, Mar 13, 2018 at 1:12 PM, Vishal Gupta <vishalgupta7972 at>

> Hi,
> I am interested in working on the project to port FreeBSD to ARM Cortex M
> or R series microprocessor. Some queries related to the project are :-
> 1) What are the expected deliverable for the project.
> 2) Where to put my draft proposal for review so that it can be improved.
> An early reply is awaited.
> Thanks and regards,
> Vishal Gupta
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