PPS or /dev/ppsN on Raspberry Pi 3

Shamim Shahriar shamim.shahriar at gmail.com
Mon Mar 12 07:38:59 UTC 2018

On 12/03/2018 01:12, Oleksandr Tymoshenko wrote:
> sysctl -b hw.fdt.dtb | dtc -I dtb -O dts | grep pps
Hello Gonzo

I made a little change (pps numbers) on your example and put that in 
place. After reboot, if I run the command above, I can see the two pps 
# sysctl -b hw.fdt.dtb | dtc -I dtb -O dts | grep pps
         pps at 1 {
                 compatible = "pps-gpio";
         pps at 0 {
                 compatible = "pps-gpio";

However, there is no /dev/pps yet on the system. Is there something I 
need to do in addition to get the pps drivers in place?


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