Garbled console output on Pi3

Michael Mitchell (megabyte) mmitchel at
Fri Mar 9 21:05:35 UTC 2018

This happens to me when the cable FTDI USB/232TTL isn't seated very well. Pin header connectors do have
a limited cycle count, and become loose over time. The first thing I always blame is the cable...

Michael Mitchell

> On Mar 9, 2018, at 12:44 PM, Ian Lepore <ian at> wrote:
> On Wed, 2018-03-07 at 10:21 -0800, bob prohaska wrote:
>> From time to time I observe garbled console output on a Pi3 running -current.
>> The present revision is 
>> FreeBSD 12.0-CURRENT (ZEFOX) #1 r330571: Wed Mar  7 00:58:23 PST 2018
>> but I don't think that's special; the same thing has shown up sporadically
>> for the past month or so.
>> The output looks like this:
>> Mar  7 09:53:53 www kernel: pid 44970 (llvm-tblgen), uid 0, was killed: out of swap space
>> sswawpa_spp_apgaegr:er iw:ndsaewap fii_ppnand_ieptge fiweaanrig:eti  r:teb u wfiifannidt deefebr:i fnbuiiuffontife tberwajit:e  : bu0f, bufeblfokb nj:r:o:  0,w2 b b22u3fo94aibj,tl: k  b0nosui:,z fe b1siz87erlk6:n,  o:sbi 4zue: : 202f901o669b604, 
>>     ej0sw: :
>> r:ag le4,0paap9 g6_epb
>>        inrkd: inendefifnioini:te t w1eai35t bu w2fai6t0f b,er:uf fbufoerbj: :bufo  bjs0:i , z0bl, blkeknno: 2: o16: 4260191,52
>>  9393s7ize:,  1siz63e:84 4
>> 096
>> swap_pager: indefinite wait buffer: bufobj: 0, blkno: 210573, size: 4096
>> The first and last lines look normal, which seems to rule out errors in
>> the serial link. 
> I can't come up with a reason for this.  This was normal in the old
> days, but console output is buffered these days, and the buffer size is
> 128 bytes on arm[64], so if things are going to interleave it should be
> in chunks of 128, not a few chars at a time like that.
> Oh... unless it's a case of userland and the kernel writing to the
> terminal at the same time, independently of each other.  Were you
> running the commands that are failing from the console?
> -- Ian
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