Status of FreeBSD CAM/MMC/SDIO?

Patrick Crilly pcrilly at
Tue Jun 26 05:44:09 UTC 2018

On 26-Jun-18 1:12 AM, Ilya Bakulin wrote:
> On Sun, Jun 24, 2018 at 12:57:10PM +1000, Patrick Crilly wrote:
>> I was wondering if anyone knew what the current state of CAM/MMC/SDIO
>> driver for Raspberry Pi is?
> Hi Patrick,
> For trying out MMCCAM on Raspberry Pi 3 you need an additional diff:
> This adds a completely new driver, SDHOST, that operates a simplified
> SDHC controller and uses it to access SD/MMC slot on Rpi3. A full-fledged SDHC
> controller is then connected to the SDIO WiFi chip. Then you can use both SDHC
> card and SDIO WiFi.
> As for WiFi module itself, there is no driver for it yet. The work on the driver
> has not started, because the prerequisite change
> hasn't been merged yet. I'm unable to provide any ETAs on merging that one, because
> it's a pretty big architectural change.

Thanks Ilya. I will apply the diffs and see if I can the driver working.


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