rpi3 and Adafruit GPS hat continued
Daniel Braniss
danny at cs.huji.ac.il
Sun Jul 29 14:40:54 UTC 2018
> On 29 Jul 2018, at 17:28, Per olof Ljungmark <peo at nethead.se> wrote:
> On 07/29/18 15:43, John Kennedy wrote:
>> On Sun, Jul 29, 2018 at 01:29:17PM +0200, Per olof Ljungmark wrote:
>>> Just FYI, I have the hat working now on the rpi2 v1.1 with 11-STABLE and
>>> about to learn how to use the rpi3+current with the hat as well.
>>> One thing I have realised is the the pi's can be a bit flaky, perhaps
>>> you could recommend some other single board cpu that works with FreeBSD
>>> 12? Like the rpi3 or even better spec.
>> I gave the RPI2* a miss, but I've been running my RPI3B+ on 12 since ~June 22nd
>> (starting with the -RPI3-20180618-r335317 download image). I wouldn't describe
>> the RPI3 as being flaky (hardware-wise, *), and I'd say that 12 has been pretty
>> good for being "current" (vs stable).
>> I expect to follow 12-current down into stable and then release as that process
>> starts over the next few months, so I expect any transient OS flakeyness to get
>> better.
>> And I'm not using any hats. Yet, at least. So pretty stock setup, with the
>> exception of ZFS root and real swap partition.
>> *: I've been experimenting with ZFS and compiling kernels on it for stress-
>> testing, so I've had a fan aimed at it to try and reduce any thermal
>> throttling.
> Nice to hear! The flakiness I have seen is mainly with the USB
> subsystem, for example every other time the RPI3B here loads u-boot it
> detects 3 devices, and the next 4 devices, this is from cold start
> without any soft- or hardware changes.
> Another issue I've seen is file system corruption but of course this is
> current and I do not expect everything to be top notch.
> Flaky or not, would be nice to try another arm or arm64 platform just to
> learn, preferably one of the bigger ones, already got an Orange Pi R1 to
> delv into now.
i’m using nanopi-neo from Friendlyarm, it’s a bit challenging to get all the pieces
to work (boot et.all.) but it’s cheep and so far I only burned one :-)
can provide help if you want.
> Cheers,
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