Allwinner dtb overlays on CURRENT. Also, flashrom SPI!

Kyle Evans kevans at
Wed Jul 25 20:14:52 UTC 2018

On Wed, Jul 25, 2018 at 2:49 PM, Greg V <greg at> wrote:
> Hi,
> One thing I have noticed with CURRENT on an Orange Pi PC: since we're using
> device trees imported from Linux, some drivers are not accessible out of the
> box.
> So I wrote a couple overlays:
> Thermal sensor:
> SPI:
> But not everyone would figure out how to make and even just use overlays…
> (if anyone is wondering: place them into /boot/dtb/overlays and add a list
> of them (filenames including extension) to /boot/loader.conf like so:
> fdt_overlays="sun8i-h3-sid.dtbo,sun8i-h3-ts.dtbo,sun8i-h3-spi.dtbo" — and
> reboot)

Just FYI- omitting the extension should also work fine here. If it
doesn't, that's another bug on its own. =)

> Can someone commit these overlays / add more for other SoCs maybe?

I think manu was working on some thermal sensor stuff earlier (though
my memory may be wrong), so we'll see what he says.

> P.S. I also wrote spigen support for flashrom:
> With this, I can flash and verify a Winbond W25Q32.V flash chip from my
> Orange Pi! :)
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