RPI3 swap experiments

bob prohaska fbsd at www.zefox.net
Wed Jul 18 15:06:53 UTC 2018

On Wed, Jul 18, 2018 at 04:24:08PM +1000, Trev wrote:
> I have run the -j4 buildworld now 11 times using a single 2G partition 
> of an 8G SanDisk Ultra micro-SDcard in a USB card micro-SDcard reader 
> without any out of swap errors, completing successfully each time, 
> installing and booting to check.
In the system under test right now having all swap on USB flash seems to work,
but having all swap on microSD fails with "out of swap". A previous incarnation
(using a USB3.1-marked flash drive) works with all swap  on microSD but fails
with all swap on USB. Neither setup worked with swap distributed on both.
Both USB devices are marked SanDisk Extreme, both microSD devices are marked
SanDisk Ultra. Thus far I haven't noticed any tight correlation between 
"out of swap" kills and long delays reading and writing swap.  
> At this point, I'm happy enough that I've given up experimenting before 
> I wear something out :)

I'm somewhat curious to test the proposition that "wearing out" flash memory
is a serious problem. There's no doubt it'll happen eventually, but at least
a little doubt as to whether it's a threat to normal usability.

> BTW, there have been a lot of commits to the swapper code in the last 12 
> months ... my RPi2B is now on 11.2-STABLE and still not suffering any 
> swap issues with the 2G swap partition and /usr partition on the same 
> USB memory key. Pity 11.2 won't run on the RPi3B+.
It's been suggested that a 32-bit version of FreeBSD could be made to work
on the 64-bit Pi3's, but I gather the Project's preference is to get arm64
up to production standards first.  

> Just one question, do your ethernet LEDs on the RPi3 (B or B+ ?) light 
> up? MY RPi2B ones do, my RPi3B+ don't after booting FreeBSD.

My Pi3 is older, before the + model appeared. The link and traffic LEDs
on the Ethernet connector remain on and active. The green LED comes on
briefly when u-boot starts up, then goes off. The red LED is on whenever
there's power applied.  

Thanks for reading,

bob prohaska

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