aarch64-arm64 fails to build kernel 12-current raspberry pi 3

tech-lists tech-lists at zyxst.net
Thu Jul 12 09:44:11 UTC 2018

On 11/07/2018 17:21, Mark Millard wrote:
> It seems from the quoted material that neither kernel-toolchain nor
> build world was done before buildkernel . My understanding is that
> the intent is that one or the other be done first. (But for aarch64
> currently only buildworld works.)

Thanks for this. I'm running a buildworld now.

For how long has it been the case that buildworld is needed for 
buildkernel? Coming from amd64 and before that, i386, in situations 
where I've only wanted to install a custom kernel, I was firstly used to 
making and installing it from /sys/{i386,amd64}/conf. Then that broke a 
number of years ago. Then got used to making kernel in /usr/src with 
make buildkernel && make installkernel. And now this is broken, on 
aarch64-arm64. Nobody knows if it's accidental or policy.


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