CUBOX snapshots working?

Brett Glass brett at
Tue Sep 26 17:43:25 UTC 2017

One would think that sauce for the goose would be sauce for the
gander. But is this particular Cubox now useless with FreeBSD?
And if so, why? It is not an unusual model. The Cubox does work
if I flash their "Ignition" startup software (which is used to
bootstrap by downloading various OS images) to the same
Micro SD card.

--Brett Glass

At 08:21 AM 9/26/2017, Ian Lepore wrote:

>I just DLed and booted that snapshot on my Cubox-4i without any
>problems.  As near as I can tell, the only difference is you've got the
>dual-core chip and mine has the quad.
>The same u-boot should work for both.  At least, that was the case when
>using the vendor-provided u-boot; the images are now built from
>mainline u-boot.  The output you provided does show that it detected
>the right kind of chip and amount of ram, so I think it should support
>both flavors of cubox.
>-- Ian

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