PINE64 - 12.0-CURRENT r320599 -> r324563 - USB VIA Labs no more detected

Mark Millard markmi at
Mon Oct 23 19:40:01 UTC 2017

On 2017-Oct-23, at 5:57 AM, Henri Hennebert <hlh at> wrote:

> I try 12.0-CURRENT -r324563 on pine64+ 2GB and the USB VIA Labs hub and its 2 disks is no more detected.
> Wen running r320599, boot msg:
> . . .
> When running r324563, boot msg:
> . . .

Are you using the lower usb port to attach your hub?
I ask because. . .

The A64 support has been undergoing re-work by
Emmanuel Vadot for some time.

I'm running -r324743 of head and with that the
lower usb port works, complete with EHCI support,
which I'm using. -r324563 is what enabled ECHI
on this lower port. Before it had been OHCI-only
since -r323641 (and not working for a time
before that).

But the note from -r323641 still applies to the
top usb port in that a "musb" driver is needed
in the new implementation and is still missing
as I understand:

This (plus 323640) re-enable OHCI on Pine64 on the bottom USB port.
The top USB port is routed to the OHCI0/EHCI0 which is by default in OTG mode.
While the phy code can handle the re-route to standard OHCI/EHCI we still need
a driver for musb to probe and configure it in host mode.

Mark Millard
markmi at

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