Difficulty with armv6 to v7 transition.

Eddy Petrișor eddy.petrisor at gmail.com
Sat Oct 14 16:43:02 UTC 2017

Pe 14 oct. 2017 7:28 AM, "Michal Meloun" <melounmichal at gmail.com> a scris:

On 14.10.2017 4:11, bob prohaska wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 13, 2017 at 06:27:22PM -0700, Mark Millard wrote:
>> On 2017-Oct-13, at 6:07 PM, bob prohaska <fbsd at www.zefox.net> wrote:
>>> Seems it would have been better to replace
>>> BUILD_ARCH!=    uname -p
>>> with
>>> BUILD_ARCH!= echo armv7
>>> for present purposes.
>> Are you starting under armv6 ? armv7 ?
> I'm afraid it's a mix, due to some untimely foot-shooting.
> Uname - p reports armv7, but clang -v reports
> FreeBSD clang version 4.0.0 (tags/RELEASE_400/final 297347) (based on
LLVM 4.0.0)
> Target: armv6-unknown-freebsd12.0-gnueabihf
> Thread model: posix
> InstalledDir: /usr/bin
> I'll keep trying to unscramble the mess I've made until an armv7 RPI2
> snapshot is released, then start over if necessary.
> Thanks for reading!
> bob prohaska
can you please try this?
setenv MACHINE_ARCH armv7; make buildworld TARGET=arm TARGET_ARCH=armv7

I have been trying recently to add support for cross building FreeBSD from
Linux and concluded that MACHINE is the system on which the build is done.

I don't think I found BUILD* meaning yet.

Unfortunately I concluded the FreeBSD build system would really benefit
from a clean-up in terms of variables and documenting their use. May I
suggest creating a wiki page documenting the usage a clean up can be done?


>> BUILD_ARCH should end up matching what
>> you start under, not the end target as
>> I understand things.

>> If I tried a cross build on a host
>> other than armv7 that BUILD_ARCH result
>> would be wrong. (I use amd64 for cross
>> building aarch64 and arm6 . I'm not up to
>> an armv7 capable context yet and may not
>> be for some time.)
>> That change is a local workaround that is
>> specific to the environment you are using
>> for a build.
>> This is like my 12.0-CURRENT change being
>> specific to my not building on 11.x or 10.x .
>> It is just a local workaround that applies
>> just to a more limited context.
>> I've not figured out what is going on (how/why)
>> for the != uname behavior that I observed. But
>> echoing the expected result instead did work.
>> None of this is appropriate to check-in.
>>> I'll stop the buildworld in progress and try it.
>> Please report if echo of the host type of context
>> appears to make your local environment work vs.
>> not. If it does work then it suggests that
>> != uname -p did not get the expected text for
>> some reason.
>> Older material:
>> On Fri, Oct 13, 2017 at 11:36:46AM -0700, Mark Millard wrote:
>>> On 2017-Oct-13, at 10:59 AM, bob prohaska <fbsd at www.zefox.net> wrote:
>>>> It turns out that simply commenting out lines 447-452 in
>>>> /usr/src/Makefile.inc1 allows buildworld to run, even with
>>>> no /etc/make.conf in place.
>>> For reference:
>>> 447 .if make(buildworld)
>>> 448 BUILD_ARCH!=    uname -p
>>> 449 .if ${MACHINE_ARCH} != ${BUILD_ARCH}
>>> 450 .error To cross-build, set TARGET_ARCH.
>>> 451 .endif
>>> 452 .endif
>>> (I suggest that the .error message include the
>>> MACHINE_ARCH text and the BUILD_ARCH text, probably
>>> with ""s around each so that empty is easy to see.)
>>> I've had problems with Makefiles using != and uname
>>> ending up with the MACRO assigned being an empty string
>>> despite a command-line uname returning the expected
>>> text.
>>> For example I've applied the below local work arounds
>>> to my /usr/ports/Mk/bsd.port.mk copy as part of setting
>>> up to do amd64 -> aarch64 or amd64 -> armv6 cross
>>> builds of ports via poudriere (I've not updated to a
>>> armv7-targeting vintage sources yet):
>>> # Get the operating system type
>>> .if !defined(OPSYS)
>>> -OPSYS!=    ${UNAME} -s
>>> +OPSYS!=    echo FreeBSD
>>> .endif
>>> .if !defined(_OSRELEASE)
>>> -_OSRELEASE!=       ${UNAME} -r
>>> +_OSRELEASE!=       echo 12.0-CURRENT
>>> .endif
>>> I was specifically ending up with _OSRELEASE
>>> being empty as seen in poudriere prior to the
>>> workaround and that was messing up poudriere
>>> such that it stopped with an associated
>>> message.
>> ===
>> Mark Millard
>> markmi at dsl-only.net
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