Anyone installed FreeBSD on Raspberry Pi Zero W?

Wei Yao fieldcoil at
Fri Mar 31 15:48:34 UTC 2017

Hi FreeBSD folks,

I recently got a PRi Zero W. It can boot with Raspbian. I'd like to try
FreeBSD on it. However, it halt at U-Boot prompt. And I cannot enter any
command by a USB keyboard. Please see attached photo.

I have tried several different images. All of them have the same issue.

1. official FreeBSD armv6-RPI-B image downloaded from:

2. RaspBSD armv6-12.0-RPI-B image downlaoded from:

3. A self built image by using crochet (board configuration: RaspberryPi)

Did anyone install FreeBSD on your RPi 0 W? Any suggestions are welcome!

  Wei Yao                     __o
fieldcoil(AT)     (*)/ (*)

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