DB-88F6XXX kernel on 88F6281_A0 (GoFlex Net)

Rasmus Liland jensrasmus at gmail.com
Fri Mar 31 08:15:06 UTC 2017

On 2017-03-31 08:53 +0200, Jan Sieka wrote:
> Hi Rasmus!
> Where did you get the address 500000? I recall that it must be 
> double checked that this address is correct.

I adjusted the address to 500000 myself when noticing the 
tftpload command not being able to load kernel.bin at 900000 
because it stalled halfway at the "Loading:" series of number 
signs (#), thus I noticed the series becoming longer, i.e. more 
data being loaded (from tftpd to to somewhere) when decreasing 
900000 to 500000.

I'm not at this computer right now, but can provide interesting 
output on this and other things later.


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