Uname -a no longer reports revision number on RPI2

bob prohaska fbsd at www.zefox.net
Wed Mar 29 00:52:43 UTC 2017

On Wed, Mar 29, 2017 at 02:35:20AM +0200, Bernd Walter wrote:
> The revision number uses svnversion on a subversion worktree.
> If you've got your source in any other way this can't work.
> -- 

Ok, that makes sense, I started using svnup when svnlite stopped

root at www:/usr # svnlite checkout https://svn.FreeBSD.org/base/head /usr/src
svn: E175003: Attempt to fetch capability 'depth' resulted in 'yes'
root at www:/usr # 

The error is identical, whether checkout out a new  tree or just updating
an existing one.

I think the problem is a damaged config file, but I haven't found it. 

Thanks for reading, and any guidance!

bob prohaska

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