Beagleborne Board Black Wireless // cpsw0: Failed to read from PHY

Alexandre LACOUR lacour.alexandre at
Mon Mar 27 19:29:22 UTC 2017


I don't know how to solve the following issue. I can read some articles but
haven't seen corrections. As of now I can't load the wireless device.

$ uname -a
FreeBSD beaglebone 11.0-STABLE FreeBSD 11.0-STABLE #0 r315855: Thu Mar 23
21:44:11 UTC 2017
root at

$ dmesg | grep cps
cpswss0: <3-port Switch Ethernet Subsystem> mem
0x4a100000-0x4a1007ff,0x4a101200-0x4a1012ff irq 38,39,40,41 on simplebus0
cpswss0: CPSW SS Version 1.12 (0)
cpswss0: Initial queue size TX=128 RX=384
cpsw0: <Ethernet Switch Port> on cpswss0
cpsw0: Failed to read from PHY.
cpsw0: attaching PHYs failed
device_attach: cpsw0 attach returned 6

Any ideas ?
Thanks for your support.
Alexandre LACOUR
Skype: lacour_a
GSM: +33 6 29 79 74 64

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