arm64 fork/swap data corruptions: A ~110 line C program demonstrating an example (Pine64+ 2GB context) [Corrected subject: arm64!]
Mark Millard
markmi at
Tue Mar 14 18:34:02 UTC 2017
[This is just a correction to the subject-line text to say arm64
instead of amd64.]
On 2017-Mar-14, at 12:58 AM, Mark Millard <markmi at> wrote:
[Another correction I'm afraid --about alternative program variations
this time.]
On 2017-Mar-13, at 11:52 PM, Mark Millard <markmi at> wrote:
> I'm still at a loss about how to figure out what stages are messed
> up. (Memory coherency? Some memory not swapped out? Bad data swapped
> out? Wrong data swapped in?)
> But at least I've found a much smaller/simpler example to demonstrate
> some problem with in my Pine64+_ 2GB context.
> The Pine64+ 2GB is the only amd64 context that I have access to.
Someday I'll learn to type arm64 the first time instead of amd64.
> The following program fails its check for data
> having its expected byte pattern in dynamically
> allocated memory after a fork/swap-out/swap-in
> sequence.
> I'll note that the program sleeps for 60s after
> forking to give time to do something else to
> cause the parent and child processes to swap
> out (RES=0 as seen in top).
The following about the extra test_check() was
> Note the source code line:
> // test_check(); // Adding this line prevents failure.
> It seem that accessing the region contents before forking
> and swapping avoids the problem. But there is a problem
> if the region was only written-to before the fork/swap.
This was because I'd carelessly moved some loop variables to
globals in a way that depended on the initialization of the
globals and the extra call changed those values.
I've noted code adjustments below (3 lines). I get the failures
with them as well.
> Another point is the size of the region matters: <= 14K Bytes
> fails and > 14K Bytes works for as much has I have tested.
> # more swap_testing.c
> // swap_testing.c
> // Built via (c++ was clang++ 4.0 in my case):
> //
> // cc -g -std=c11 -Wpedantic swap_testing.c
> // -O0 and -O2 also gets the problem.
> #include <unistd.h> // for fork(), sleep(.)
> #include <sys/types.h> // for pid_t
> #include <sys/wait.h> // for wait(.)
> extern void test_setup(void); // Sets up the memory byte pattern.
> extern void test_check(void); // Tests the memory byte pattern.
> int main(void)
> {
> test_setup();
test_check(); // This test passes.
> pid_t pid = fork();
> int wait_status = 0;;
> if (0<pid) { wait(&wait_status); }
> if (-1!=wait_status && 0<=pid)
> {
> if (0==pid)
> {
> sleep(60);
> // During this manually force this process to
> // swap out. I use something like:
> // stress -m 1 --vm-bytes 1800M
> // in another shell and ^C'ing it after top
> // shows the swapped status desired. 1800M
> // just happened to work on the Pine64+ 2GB
> // that I was using.
> }
> test_check();
> }
> }
> // The memory and test code follows.
> #include <stdbool.h> // for bool, true, false
> #include <stddef.h> // for size_t, NULL
> #include <stdlib.h> // for malloc(.), free(.)
> #include <signal.h> // for raise(.), SIGABRT
> #define region_size (14u*1024u)
> // Bad dyn_region pattern, parent and child
> // processes:
> // 256u, 4u*1024u, 8u*1024u, 9u*1024u,
> // 12u*1024u, 14u*1024u
> // Works:
> // 14u*1024u+1u, 15u*1024u, 16u*1024u,
> // 32u*1024u, 256u*1024u*1024u
> typedef volatile unsigned char value_type;
> struct region_struct { value_type array[region_size]; };
> typedef struct region_struct region;
> static region gbl_region;
> static region * volatile dyn_region = NULL;
> static value_type value(size_t v) { return (value_type)v; }
> void test_setup(void) {
> dyn_region = malloc(sizeof(region));
> if (!dyn_region) raise(SIGABRT);
> for(size_t i=0u; i<region_size; i++) {
> (*dyn_region).array[i] = gbl_region.array[i] = value(i);
> }
> }
> static volatile bool gbl_failed = false; // Until potentially disproved
> static volatile size_t gbl_pos = 0u;
> static volatile bool dyn_failed = false; // Until potentially disproved
> static volatile size_t dyn_pos = 0u;
> void test_check(void) {
gbl_pos = 0u;
> while (!gbl_failed && gbl_pos<region_size) {
> gbl_failed = (value(gbl_pos) != gbl_region.array[gbl_pos]);
> gbl_pos++;
> }
dyn_pos = 0u;
> while (!dyn_failed && dyn_pos<region_size) {
> dyn_failed = (value(dyn_pos) != (*dyn_region).array[dyn_pos]);
> // Note: When the memory pattern fails this case is that
> // records the failure.
> dyn_pos++;
> }
> if (gbl_failed) raise(SIGABRT);
> if (dyn_failed) raise(SIGABRT); // lldb reports this line for the __raise call.
> // when it fails (both parent and child processes).
> }
I'm not bothering to redo the details below for the
line number variations.
> Other details from lldb (not using -O2 so things are
> simpler, not presented in the order examined):
> # lldb a.out -c /var/crash/a.out.11575.core
> (lldb) target create "a.out" --core "/var/crash/a.out.11575.core"
> Core file '/var/crash/a.out.11575.core' (aarch64) was loaded.
> (lldb) bt
> * thread #1, name = 'a.out', stop reason = signal SIGABRT
> * frame #0: 0x0000000040113d38`_thr_kill + 8
> frame #1:`__raise(s=6) at raise.c:52
> frame #2: a.out`test_check at swap_testing.c:103
> frame #3: a.out`main at swap_testing.c:42
> frame #4: 0x0000000000020184 a.out`__start + 364
> frame #5:`.rtld_start at rtld_start.S:41
> (lldb) up 2
> frame #2: a.out`test_check at swap_testing.c:103
> 100 }
> 101
> 102 if (gbl_failed) raise(SIGABRT);
> -> 103 if (dyn_failed) raise(SIGABRT); // lldb reports this line for the __raise call.
> 104 // when it fails (both parent and child processes).
> 105 }
> (lldb) print dyn_pos
> (size_t) $0 = 2
> (That is one after the failure position.)
> (lldb) print dyn_region
> (region *volatile) $3 = 0x0000000040616000
> (lldb) print *dyn_region
> (region) $1 = {
> array = {
> [0] = '\0'
> [1] = '\0'
> [2] = '\0'
> . . . (all '\0' bytes) . . .
> [251] = '\0'
> [252] = '\0'
> [253] = '\0'
> [254] = '\0'
> [255] = '\0'
> ...
> }
> }
> (lldb) print gbl_region
> (region) $2 = {
> array = {
> [0] = '\0'
> [1] = '\x01'
> [2] = '\x02'
> . . .
> [251] = '\xfb'
> [252] = '\xfc'
> [253] = '\xfd'
> [254] = '\xfe'
> [255] = '\xff'
> ...
> }
> }
> (lldb) disass -n main
> a.out`main:
> 0x2022c <+0>: sub sp, sp, #0x30 ; =0x30
> 0x20230 <+4>: stp x29, x30, [sp, #0x20]
> 0x20234 <+8>: add x29, sp, #0x20 ; =0x20
> 0x20238 <+12>: stur wzr, [x29, #-0x4]
> 0x2023c <+16>: bl 0x202b0 ; test_setup at swap_testing.c:74
> 0x20240 <+20>: bl 0x20580 ; symbol stub for: fork
> 0x20244 <+24>: mov w8, wzr
> 0x20248 <+28>: stur w0, [x29, #-0x8]
> 0x2024c <+32>: stur wzr, [x29, #-0xc]
> 0x20250 <+36>: ldur w0, [x29, #-0x8]
> 0x20254 <+40>: cmp w8, w0
> 0x20258 <+44>: 0x20268 ; <+60> at swap_testing.c
> 0x2025c <+48>: sub x0, x29, #0xc ; =0xc
> 0x20260 <+52>: bl 0x20590 ; symbol stub for: wait
> 0x20264 <+56>: str w0, [sp, #0x10]
> 0x20268 <+60>: mov w8, #-0x1
> 0x2026c <+64>: ldur w9, [x29, #-0xc]
> 0x20270 <+68>: cmp w8, w9
> 0x20274 <+72>: b.eq 0x202a0 ; <+116> at swap_testing.c:44
> 0x20278 <+76>: mov w8, wzr
> 0x2027c <+80>: ldur w9, [x29, #-0x8]
> 0x20280 <+84>: cmp w8, w9
> 0x20284 <+88>: 0x202a0 ; <+116> at swap_testing.c:44
> 0x20288 <+92>: ldur w8, [x29, #-0x8]
> 0x2028c <+96>: cbnz w8, 0x2029c ; <+112> at swap_testing.c:42
> 0x20290 <+100>: orr w0, wzr, #0x3c
> 0x20294 <+104>: bl 0x205a0 ; symbol stub for: sleep
> 0x20298 <+108>: str w0, [sp, #0xc]
> 0x2029c <+112>: bl 0x20348 ; test_check at swap_testing.c:89
> 0x202a0 <+116>: ldur w0, [x29, #-0x4]
> 0x202a4 <+120>: ldp x29, x30, [sp, #0x20]
> 0x202a8 <+124>: add sp, sp, #0x30 ; =0x30
> 0x202ac <+128>: ret
> (lldb) disass -n value
> a.out`value:
> 0x204cc <+0>: sub sp, sp, #0x10 ; =0x10
> 0x204d0 <+4>: str x0, [sp, #0x8]
> 0x204d4 <+8>: ldrb w8, [sp, #0x8]
> 0x204d8 <+12>: mov w1, w8
> 0x204dc <+16>: mov w0, w8
> 0x204e0 <+20>: str w1, [sp, #0x4]
> 0x204e4 <+24>: add sp, sp, #0x10 ; =0x10
> 0x204e8 <+28>: ret
> (lldb) disass -n test_setup
> a.out`test_setup:
> 0x202b0 <+0>: sub sp, sp, #0x20 ; =0x20
> 0x202b4 <+4>: stp x29, x30, [sp, #0x10]
> 0x202b8 <+8>: add x29, sp, #0x10 ; =0x10
> 0x202bc <+12>: orr x0, xzr, #0x3800
> 0x202c0 <+16>: bl 0x205b0 ; symbol stub for: malloc
> 0x202c4 <+20>: adrp x30, 48
> 0x202c8 <+24>: add x30, x30, #0x0 ; =0x0
> 0x202cc <+28>: str x0, [x30]
> 0x202d0 <+32>: ldr x0, [x30]
> 0x202d4 <+36>: cbnz x0, 0x202e4 ; <+52> at swap_testing.c:78
> 0x202d8 <+40>: orr w0, wzr, #0x6
> 0x202dc <+44>: bl 0x205c0 ; symbol stub for: raise
> 0x202e0 <+48>: str w0, [sp, #0x4]
> 0x202e4 <+52>: str xzr, [sp, #0x8]
> 0x202e8 <+56>: orr x8, xzr, #0x3800
> 0x202ec <+60>: ldr x9, [sp, #0x8]
> 0x202f0 <+64>: cmp x9, x8
> 0x202f4 <+68>: b.hs 0x2033c ; <+140> at swap_testing.c:81
> 0x202f8 <+72>: ldr x0, [sp, #0x8]
> 0x202fc <+76>: bl 0x204cc ; value at swap_testing.c:72
> 0x20300 <+80>: adrp x30, 48
> 0x20304 <+84>: add x30, x30, #0x0 ; =0x0
> 0x20308 <+88>: adrp x8, 48
> 0x2030c <+92>: add x8, x8, #0x8 ; =0x8
> 0x20310 <+96>: ldr x9, [sp, #0x8]
> 0x20314 <+100>: add x8, x8, x9
> 0x20318 <+104>: strb w0, [x8]
> 0x2031c <+108>: ldr x8, [x30]
> 0x20320 <+112>: ldr x9, [sp, #0x8]
> 0x20324 <+116>: add x8, x8, x9
> 0x20328 <+120>: strb w0, [x8]
> 0x2032c <+124>: ldr x8, [sp, #0x8]
> 0x20330 <+128>: add x8, x8, #0x1 ; =0x1
> 0x20334 <+132>: str x8, [sp, #0x8]
> 0x20338 <+136>: b 0x202e8 ; <+56> at swap_testing.c
> 0x2033c <+140>: ldp x29, x30, [sp, #0x10]
> 0x20340 <+144>: add sp, sp, #0x20 ; =0x20
> 0x20344 <+148>: ret
> (lldb) disass -n test_check
> a.out`test_check:
> 0x20348 <+0>: sub sp, sp, #0x20 ; =0x20
> 0x2034c <+4>: stp x29, x30, [sp, #0x10]
> 0x20350 <+8>: add x29, sp, #0x10 ; =0x10
> 0x20354 <+12>: b 0x20358 ; <+16> at swap_testing.c
> 0x20358 <+16>: mov w8, wzr
> 0x2035c <+20>: adrp x9, 51
> 0x20360 <+24>: add x9, x9, #0x808 ; =0x808
> 0x20364 <+28>: ldrb w10, [x9]
> 0x20368 <+32>: stur w8, [x29, #-0x4]
> 0x2036c <+36>: tbnz w10, #0x0, 0x2038c ; <+68> at swap_testing.c
> 0x20370 <+40>: orr x8, xzr, #0x3800
> 0x20374 <+44>: adrp x9, 51
> 0x20378 <+48>: add x9, x9, #0x810 ; =0x810
> 0x2037c <+52>: ldr x9, [x9]
> 0x20380 <+56>: cmp x9, x8
> 0x20384 <+60>: cset w10, lo
> 0x20388 <+64>: stur w10, [x29, #-0x4]
> 0x2038c <+68>: ldur w8, [x29, #-0x4]
> 0x20390 <+72>: tbz w8, #0x0, 0x203ec ; <+164> at swap_testing.c:95
> 0x20394 <+76>: adrp x8, 51
> 0x20398 <+80>: add x8, x8, #0x810 ; =0x810
> 0x2039c <+84>: ldr x0, [x8]
> 0x203a0 <+88>: bl 0x204cc ; value at swap_testing.c:72
> 0x203a4 <+92>: adrp x8, 51
> 0x203a8 <+96>: add x8, x8, #0x810 ; =0x810
> 0x203ac <+100>: adrp x30, 51
> 0x203b0 <+104>: add x30, x30, #0x808 ; =0x808
> 0x203b4 <+108>: adrp x9, 48
> 0x203b8 <+112>: add x9, x9, #0x8 ; =0x8
> 0x203bc <+116>: uxtb w0, w0
> 0x203c0 <+120>: ldr x10, [x8]
> 0x203c4 <+124>: add x9, x9, x10
> 0x203c8 <+128>: ldrb w11, [x9]
> 0x203cc <+132>: cmp w0, w11
> 0x203d0 <+136>: cset w11, ne
> 0x203d4 <+140>: and w11, w11, #0x1
> 0x203d8 <+144>: strb w11, [x30]
> 0x203dc <+148>: ldr x9, [x8]
> 0x203e0 <+152>: add x9, x9, #0x1 ; =0x1
> 0x203e4 <+156>: str x9, [x8]
> 0x203e8 <+160>: b 0x20358 ; <+16> at swap_testing.c
> 0x203ec <+164>: b 0x203f0 ; <+168> at swap_testing.c
> 0x203f0 <+168>: mov w8, wzr
> 0x203f4 <+172>: adrp x9, 51
> 0x203f8 <+176>: add x9, x9, #0x818 ; =0x818
> 0x203fc <+180>: ldrb w10, [x9]
> 0x20400 <+184>: str w8, [sp, #0x8]
> 0x20404 <+188>: tbnz w10, #0x0, 0x20424 ; <+220> at swap_testing.c
> 0x20408 <+192>: orr x8, xzr, #0x3800
> 0x2040c <+196>: adrp x9, 51
> 0x20410 <+200>: add x9, x9, #0x820 ; =0x820
> 0x20414 <+204>: ldr x9, [x9]
> 0x20418 <+208>: cmp x9, x8
> 0x2041c <+212>: cset w10, lo
> 0x20420 <+216>: str w10, [sp, #0x8]
> 0x20424 <+220>: ldr w8, [sp, #0x8]
> 0x20428 <+224>: tbz w8, #0x0, 0x20488 ; <+320> at swap_testing.c
> 0x2042c <+228>: adrp x8, 51
> 0x20430 <+232>: add x8, x8, #0x820 ; =0x820
> 0x20434 <+236>: ldr x0, [x8]
> 0x20438 <+240>: bl 0x204cc ; value at swap_testing.c:72
> 0x2043c <+244>: adrp x8, 51
> 0x20440 <+248>: add x8, x8, #0x820 ; =0x820
> 0x20444 <+252>: adrp x30, 51
> 0x20448 <+256>: add x30, x30, #0x818 ; =0x818
> 0x2044c <+260>: adrp x9, 48
> 0x20450 <+264>: add x9, x9, #0x0 ; =0x0
> 0x20454 <+268>: uxtb w0, w0
> 0x20458 <+272>: ldr x9, [x9]
> 0x2045c <+276>: ldr x10, [x8]
> 0x20460 <+280>: add x9, x9, x10
> 0x20464 <+284>: ldrb w11, [x9]
> 0x20468 <+288>: cmp w0, w11
> 0x2046c <+292>: cset w11, ne
> 0x20470 <+296>: and w11, w11, #0x1
> 0x20474 <+300>: strb w11, [x30]
> 0x20478 <+304>: ldr x9, [x8]
> 0x2047c <+308>: add x9, x9, #0x1 ; =0x1
> 0x20480 <+312>: str x9, [x8]
> 0x20484 <+316>: b 0x203f0 ; <+168> at swap_testing.c
> 0x20488 <+320>: adrp x8, 51
> 0x2048c <+324>: add x8, x8, #0x808 ; =0x808
> 0x20490 <+328>: ldrb w9, [x8]
> 0x20494 <+332>: tbz w9, #0x0, 0x204a4 ; <+348> at swap_testing.c
> 0x20498 <+336>: orr w0, wzr, #0x6
> 0x2049c <+340>: bl 0x205c0 ; symbol stub for: raise
> 0x204a0 <+344>: str w0, [sp, #0x4]
> 0x204a4 <+348>: adrp x8, 51
> 0x204a8 <+352>: add x8, x8, #0x818 ; =0x818
> 0x204ac <+356>: ldrb w9, [x8]
> 0x204b0 <+360>: tbz w9, #0x0, 0x204c0 ; <+376> at swap_testing.c:105
> 0x204b4 <+364>: orr w0, wzr, #0x6
> 0x204b8 <+368>: bl 0x205c0 ; symbol stub for: raise
> -> 0x204bc <+372>: str w0, [sp]
> 0x204c0 <+376>: ldp x29, x30, [sp, #0x10]
> 0x204c4 <+380>: add sp, sp, #0x20 ; =0x20
> 0x204c8 <+384>: ret
> # uname -apKU
> FreeBSD pine64 12.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 12.0-CURRENT r314638M arm64 aarch64 1200023 1200023
> buildworld buildlkernel did not have MALLOC_PRODUCTION= defined. The kernel is a
> non-debug kernel. (Previous to these experiments my other corruption examples
> were not caught by a debug kernel. I'm not hopeful that this simpler context
> would either.)
Mark Millard
markmi at
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