Odd-looking serial console prompt on RPI2

Shawn Webb shawn.webb at hardenedbsd.org
Tue Mar 7 19:09:39 UTC 2017

On Sat, Mar 04, 2017 at 03:02:45PM -0700, Ian Lepore wrote:
> The bugs should be fixed as of r314682. ?It looks like the bugs have
> long been in the pl011 driver, but were masked by having a fifo depth
> of 1 byte -- it all sorta worked by accident previously.

Thanks for the fix! But it looks to be only partial. When I connect to
the serial console via either cu or screen, I don't get corrupted text,
but no keypresses are registered. Hitting enter at the login prompt does
absolutely nothing. I'm at the latest commit of hardened/current/master
on HardenedBSD for both the RPI3 and my laptop.

I'm using this serial cable from Adafruit:


Shawn Webb
Cofounder and Security Engineer

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