Booting an old kernel on RPI2

Karl Denninger karl at
Mon Mar 6 17:08:04 UTC 2017

On 3/6/2017 10:41, Ian Lepore wrote:
> On Mon, 2017-03-06 at 08:30 -0800, bob prohaska wrote:
>> On Mon, Mar 06, 2017 at 10:23:54AM +0100, Ralf Wenk wrote:
>>> I am having the same problem here.
>>> It happened during make installworld of r314701. I run make
>>> installworld
>>> while the former kernel r313407  was still active.
>>> Now both kernels will boot up, but produce the same "out of memory"
>>> message while going to single- or multi-user.
>>> So it is not even possible to get a working shell in single-user
>>> mode.
>>> As it first happens during make installworld while still running
>>> the
>>> "old" r313407 kernel I think the cause is not the kernel itself.
>> As I understand it, sometime before the FreeBSD loader starts up a
>> division of memory is made between GPU and CPU. There is a config.txt
>> file containing gpu_mem=64 on my FreeBSD systems, but some of the
>> Linux literature mentions a file called uEnv.txt, which FreeBSD 
>> seems not to use (nor does Raspbian, far as I can see). 
>> I wonder if there might be a u-boot command to
>> check if the setup routines have become corrupted, leaving too
>> little memory for the kernel to function, even though it reports
>> real memory  = 989851648 (943 MB)
>> avail memory = 957444096 (913 MB)
>> during the failed boot attempts.
>> Thanks for reading, and any ideas!
>> bob prohaska
> I'm pretty sure this out of memory error has nothing to do with the
> kernel at all.  It appears to be caused by clang 4.0 building the world
> incorrectly (most likely just jemalloc).
> It's a pity that both clang and jemalloc were updated to new versions
> within a few days of each other.
> It's even more of a pity that a series of other errors make it almost
> impossible to cross-build for arm from a stable-10 amd64 system after
> r313403, so that bisecting to find the exact point of the error is also
> almost impossible.  The problem with crossbuilding isn't fixed yet,
> (it's got something to do with libnetbsd and libmd bootstrapping), so
> it's hard to even look into this out of memory problem unless you have
> a stable-11 system to crossbuild on.
I have such system and in fact it's my production system on which I do
all my crossbuilds!

FreeBSD 11.0-STABLE #15 r312669M: Mon Jan 23 14:01:03 CST 2017    
karl at

What do you want me to play with?

Karl Denninger
karl at <mailto:karl at>
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