Is CPUTYPE=cortex-A7 supposed to work?

Andrew Gierth andrew at
Sun Mar 5 10:01:31 UTC 2017

>>>>> "Mark" == Mark Millard <markmi at> writes:

 >> 3. The errors aren't consistent at all. For example, sometimes I run
 >> openssl speed rsa512 and it succeeds without error. When testing
 >> with git, the failures were not always at the same place.

 Mark> Interesting. My context had MALLOC_PRODUCTION. I wonder if
 Mark> without that and having junk filled in systematically might
 Mark> produce more stable results. (I've no specific evidence that this
 Mark> would make a difference.)

I don't think this can explain my results with git; openssl's sha1
doesn't call malloc (or any library function other than memcpy, memset,
OPENSSL_cleanse), and I have logs of the data being hashed that show the
wrong results returned. Also, I've checked that while these hashes are
being done, there are no other threads in the process.


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