RPi3 booting issues: vm_fault pager read error pid 1

Otacílio otacilio.neto at bsd.com.br
Sat Apr 29 21:13:27 UTC 2017

Em 29/04/2017 15:38, Gergely Czuczy escreveu:
> Hello,
> I would like to ask for some help. I'm trying to build a freebsd image 
> using crochet, however recent builds, since roughly march, are failing 
> to boot on an RPi3. Currently once the kernel boots up and hands it 
> over to init, the error message "vm_fault pager read error pid 1 
> (init)" is flooding the screen. Sadly, I don't really know how to 
> debug and fix the cause of this, and I would like to ask some help on 
> fixing this.
> The image I'm trying to boot (if boots, u/p aegir:aegir):
> http://czg.harmless.hu/aegir/FreeBSD-aarch64-12.0-AEGIR-317411.img.gz
> The kernel config:
> http://czg.harmless.hu/aegir/AEGIR
> And the crochet config I'm using:
> http://czg.harmless.hu/aegir/aegir.sh
> I would like to have a refreshed build, because the one I'm using 
> currently does not have working i2c support, which should be the next 
> thing on my project I'm using this for.
> Would be nice if someone could take a look into this.
> Best regards,
> Gergely

The answer to your question is this thread:



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