U-boot patch for Wandboard rev d1

Rogiel Sulzbach rogiel at rogiel.com
Fri Apr 28 17:44:11 UTC 2017

Recently a new Wandboard was released and it broke the network support on FreeBSD. This new revision has a PMIC which controls the ethernet PHY. This patch will automatically reset the PHY and configure it properly for this board.

These patches were taken directly from the official Wandboard u-boot fork (https://github.com/wandboard-org/uboot-imx/tree/imx_v2015.04_4.1.15_1.0.0_ga)

A pull request on GitHub bsdimp/u-boot was also opened with the same patch.


It is important to note that I only have a Wandboard Quad, so I could not test on other versions, but I don't see anything that would prevent it from working since the changes came directly from the official fork.

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