FreeBSD 12-CURRENT on OrangePi One

aggaz aggaz at
Fri Apr 28 12:08:29 UTC 2017

Glad it helped.

To solve your problem try to disable growfs in /etc/rc.conf.

Then you can grow the partition manually as described here:

If you want to do it in ssh and you get strange errors try to use growfs
as a service and not as a command as described here:

I just did that on OrangePi One and it worked.


Il 28/04/2017 14:00, freebsd-arm-request at ha scritto:
> I'm getting exactly this same error on RPI3 and beaglebone black 
> (vm_fault: pager read error, pid 1 (init)). And I reported here:
> The new gotcha is your report that this is related with Growfs. Thank 
> you by your report. Now I know that my environment is clean and I'm not 
> crazy.
> []'s
> -Otacilio

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