head -r317015 (and before) vs. Pine64+ 2GB (an aarch64) and spurious interrupts: [the A64 IRQ numbers involved other than 1023]

Mark Millard markmi at dsl-only.net
Tue Apr 25 05:03:17 UTC 2017

I found some basic reference material for the 
"last irq" numbers for the A64 that is in the
Pine64+ 2GB (and 1GB). . .

IRQ  27: PPI 11                   interrupt, vector 0x006C
(I've no clue about this one beyond it being a
"Private Peripheral Interrupt" example, somehow
specific to each core separately.)

The rest of the IRQs are "Shared Peripheral
Interrupt"s. . .

IRQ  92: SD/MMC Host Controller 0 interrupt, vector 0x0170

IRQ 106: USB-EHCI0                interrupt, vector 0x01A8

There were some:

IRQ 114: EMAC                     interrupt, vector 0x01C8
IRQ  32: UART 0                   interrupt, vector 0x0080

And the first "last irq:" for each boot was
one of:

IRQ 107: USB-OHCIO                interrupt, vector 0x0A1C
IRQ  64: External Non-Mask        Interrupt, vector 0x0100

Neither 107 or 64 occurred again after the first
message for a boot. 64 showed up when no USB device
was plugged in; 107 showed when one was left plugged
in (plugged in before powering on the Pine64+ 2GB).

1023 for the current irq number is special
and not specific to the A64.

So far I can not tell if the kernel mishandles the
A64 in some way that leads to 1023's vs. if this
is just what an A64 does for some odd reason, even
with fully-correct software.

Mark Millard
markmi at dsl-only.net

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