FreeBSD 12.0 Current & hardware clock

Luiz Otavio O Souza at
Mon Apr 24 18:46:40 UTC 2017

On 24 April 2017 at 08:31, wrote:
> Hi,
> Im currently testing this image: FreeBSD-armv6-12.0-RPI2-310476.img.gz [1]
> on my RBPI2. I need a hardware clock which will work with this image. Couple
> of questions:
> 1. If I understood right I need to recompile the kernel since there is no hardware
> clock support on the mentioned image … Right ?

Yes, you have to add your RTC device and rebuild the kernel.

> 2. Is there support for Rasclock [2] based on NXP PCF2127AT chipset ?

No, we only have the driver for the pcf2123 (spi only RTC), but should
not be hard to add support for it.

> 3. Still there the regarding NTP and hardware clock when OS was dying on such
> setup ? (you need to enable sysctl machdep.rtc_save_period=0 to workaround)

Yes, or you can use the gpioiic/gpiospi which don't use interrupts
(and will not cause any issues with NTP -> RTC time updates).


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