SoC with multiple ethernet ports

Norman Gray norman at
Wed Apr 5 15:31:44 UTC 2017


I'm looking for a SoC (or other small) machine to act as a gateway 
between two physical networks (in fact, an ordinary one and an IPMI).  
Thus I'm looking for such a device which has at least two ethernet 
interfaces, and can run FreeBSD.

There are multiple boards listed at 
<>, but the boards under the 'Well 
supported boards' headings appear only to have single interfaces (though 
I wouldn't claim an exhaustive search).

I can see what appear to be nice multiple-interface boards at 
<>, but they're listed 
under 'unknown support'.  I can see some notes on some Marvell boards at 
<>, but these refer to FreeBSD 
8.x and 9-CURRENT, so are clearly not up-to-date.

Searching the list archives, I find 
that at least some people are using 11.0-CURRENT on an Armada/Marvell 
board, but (given that that's a bug report) I'm not sure if that usage 
counts as ...Brave or not.

There's clearly a lot of hardware possibilities here, but I surely can't 
be the first person to want such a device.  Does anyone on this list 
have any advice?

Best wishes,


Norman Gray  :
SUPA School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Glasgow, UK

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