BeagleBone Black - what still needs to be done for audio?

Russell Haley russ.haley at
Wed Oct 26 23:27:04 UTC 2016

On Wed, Oct 26, 2016 at 9:28 AM, Russell Haley <russ.haley at> wrote:
> On Wed, Oct 26, 2016 at 2:14 AM, Koz Ross <koz.ross at> wrote:
>> I've been meaning to get into both ARM and BSD for a while, so I decided I
>> would begin with FreeBSD and a BeagleBone Black I have lying around. I read
>> this page: , which
>> states
>> that audio on the BBB 'still needs to be done'.
>> I was wondering what it means by 'still needs to be done', and what
>> precisely
>> needs to be done to have working BBB audio. As I am very new to both ARM and
>> BSD, could someone please fill me in? I would like to contribute if I can.
> That page is a little out of date, but I don't have a recent image for
> my BBB. Have you tried running the latest image? If I remember
> correctly:
> -> download the sd card image.
> xzcat <download-dir>/FreeBSD-11.0-RELEASE-arm-armv6-BEAGLEBONE.img.xz
> | dd of=/dev/da<yer-sd-card> bs=1m (or is it bs=1M?)
> The FreeBSD handbook is the place to start at. It will give you
> directions on how to get your image set up:
> Once you're able to setup and test HDMI and have a running image,
> you'll be in a better position to start looking at audio issues.
> Do you know anything about the BBB hardware? You'll need to find out
> what the audio interface is and if the FreeBSD kernel supports it.
> Then you need to find out if it's in the default kernel, if not,
> you'll need to learn to build the kernel yourself (or build the module
> and install and load it).

I'm bored of Javascript at work... This looks like a good lead for you:



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