How to change MAC address on RPI-B?

diffusae punasipuli at
Sat Nov 26 19:22:22 UTC 2016


Does anyone, what this means:

U-Boot> env save
Saving Environment to FAT...
writing uboot.env
FAT: Misaligned buffer address (1db41d78)
FAT: Misaligned buffer address (1db43d78)

Misaligned buffer address? Maybe a fsck on the FAT partition should help.


On 26.11.2016 18:35, Ian Lepore wrote:
> On Sat, 2016-11-26 at 10:27 +0100, John W. Kitz wrote:
>> Ian,
>> On Sat, 2016-11-26 at 00:07 +0100, diffusae wrote:
>>> Hi John,
>>> On 25.11.2016 20:56, John W. Kitz wrote:
>>>> So when doing so the locally administered MAC address is passed
>>>> on 
>>>> from uEnv.txt to the O/S during boot and is then used to
>>>> override 
>>>> the globally
>>> I didn't think, that it will be passed from the U-Boot Enviroment 
>>> settings. You can set the MAC address, but the FreeBSD kernel
>>> shows 
>>> always the unique MAC address.
>>>> unique MAC address or does the O/S check both the information
>>>> found 
>>>> in its configuration files and what is configured in uEnv.txt
>>>> before 
>>>> configuring and activating the network interface(s)?
>>> Which configuration files do you mean? AFAIK there is only the FDT 
>>> blob.
>>> I guess it ignores the setting in uEnv.txt.
>>>> Makes me wonder which of the two (i.e. locally administered
>>>> through 
>>>> uEnv.txt or locally administered through the O/S) takes
>>>> precedence.
>>> Only the unique MAC address and the locally administered MAC
>>> address, 
>>> will take affect.
>>>> In addition this might affect configuration decisions when one
>>>> would 
>>>> want to configure a device for net booting (at least when
>>>> browsing 
>>>> through what can be configured by means of uEnv.txt I believe
>>>> that 
>>>> was one of the options I
>>>> saw) through uEnv.txt?
>>> Personally, I like u-boot. It has various options, runs on a lot
>>> of 
>>> devices and it's also nice to handle.
>>> Best regards,
>>> _
>> I looked into this tonight, and there is some code missing in u-boot
>> to
>> handle passing a mac address set in the u-boot environment into the
>> kernel
>> via the fdt data.
>> It would be pretty simple to fix.  We need to add an ethernet0 alias
>> pointing to the /axi/usb/hub/ethernet node to our rpi dts, and the
>> attached
>> patch needs to replace the current one in the u-boot-rpi port.
>> This lets you set usbethaddr in the u-boot environment (via uEnv.txt
>> or
>> saved directly using saveenv), and it will get used by both u-boot
>> and
>> freebsd.
>> Having gotten it this far, I don't really have time right now to get
>> the
>> patch committed to ports.  Hopefully somebody else can help with
>> that.
>> JKi: I was just curious, but have no immediate use for the features
>> discussed in this particular thread at this time. So please don't
>> make the
>> effort to get mentioned changes implemented because of this thread.
> Well, it's wrong and it needs to be fixed.  For every other arm board,
> you can set a mac addr in u-boot and it remains in effect when freebsd
> is running.  It's not right for rpi to be different.  It probably
> affects rpi2 as well.  And, really, anything with usb ethernet.
> I wonder why the mailing list is stripping diff attachments now?  That
> never used to happen.  Hrm, probably because after my last pkg upgrade,
> Evolution is now flagging the attachment as text/x-csrc; it used to be
> x-patch.  I've put the patch here...
> -- Ian
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