How to change MAC address on RPI-B?

John W. Kitz John.Kitz at
Fri Nov 11 11:26:36 UTC 2016


> "
> 0&manp ath=FreeBSD+11.0-stable&arch=default&format=html" and compare 
> that to:

Yes, you're right. I've also tried some other options (-RXCSUM).

Extra console error logging (debug) should be interesting, too

JKi: I had a look at both the posts in the forum you're referring to and at
your first emails in this thread in which you wrote that you tried (I

ifconfig ue0 down delete
ifconfig ue0 promisc
ifconfig ue0 ether 00:FF:CC:00:11:11

And it's not quite clear to me what you're trying to achieve. Why would one
override the MAC address of an interface for the sole purpose of initiating
a request for a new IP address from the DHCP server (in a home environment
typically the ADSL or cable modem supplied by the ISP) that one is using.
Surely FreeBSD provides more elegant ways to achieve the same thing. If
these don't get you the desired result, based on the information supplied, I
think it would be more appropriate to look at reducing the DHCP lease time
on the server side and stick with the options available to you to initiate a
request for a new IP address from the DHCP server rather than at configuring
a locally administered MAC addresses to achieve the same thing.

As for the commands in the various post, if I compare these to
ath=FreeBSD+11.0-stable&arch=default&format=html" I wonder what, in your
opinion, the purpose is of sticking "delete" (per the documentation I
referred to (I quote) "Another name for the -alias parameter") at the end of
the first one.

In addition given that operating system commands, particularly the most
basic ones, tend to be similar across platforms (in this case I'm referring
to similar Cisco commands) and considering the possibility that you may not
have supplied all commands you used in the various posts, I would have
expected a command like "ifconfig ue0 up" to have been the last one in the

> as you state you've tried and came to conclude that it doesn't do what 
> you intend or expect it to.

With promisc it works, like expected. But as you mentioned before, that is
not the intended use. Don't need to log every packet on the network.

Thanks a lot

Best regards,
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