upgrading arm6hf
bob prohaska
fbsd at www.zefox.net
Sat May 21 03:06:56 UTC 2016
On Fri, May 20, 2016 at 08:17:43PM -0600, Ian Lepore wrote:
> It might be worth trying to use kernel.old, verify that uname -p says
> armv6hf again when booted from it, then see if you can buildworld and
> buildkernel with TARGET_ARCH=armv6. If so, then you should be able to
> install those (remember to use the TARGET_ARCH=armv6 when installing
> too!), and then you'll be on the new armv6 with hardfloat. I think.
Ok, done and running. Eventually I'll need to upgrade three other machines,
running pre-hardfloat versions. Best to learn how now....
Thanks very much!
bob prohaska
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