CUBOX crashes during port build

Ulrich Grey usenet at
Mon May 2 07:33:55 UTC 2016

I am running 11-CURRENT r297692 (snapshot cubox-hummingboard 20160408).
After some hours building print/texlive-full the CUBOX crashed.

Fatal kernel mode data abort: 'Translation Fault (L2)' on read

trapframe: 0xfb57b778

FSR=00000007, FAR=0000004d, spsr=20000013

r0 =00000000, r1 =00000001, r2 =00000003, r3 =00000001

r4 =c460f370, r5 =c7bc0460, r6 =00000001, r7 =00000000

r8 =00000000, r9 =c26c4230, r10=00000000, r11=fb57b828

r12=c2937000, ssp=fb57b808, slr=c2521e30, pc =c2539504

[ thread pid 33052 tid 100122 ]

Stopped at      vm_object_set_writeable_dirty:  ldrb    r1, [r0, #0x04d]

See for further information.

bt 		line 1385
show all pcpu 	line 1651
where 		line 1723
ps 		line 2111
show reg 	line 2341
show threads 	line 2391
show pmap 	line 11891
show all procs 	line 55083

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