Odroid C2 unable to boot

Mark Millard markmi at dsl-only.net
Mon Mar 28 04:56:42 UTC 2016

FYI for Hardkernel's serial cable: See. . .


for instructions for more than just Windows 7: Linux too.

For me the forum's Mac OS X material that is referenced did not work for Mac OS X 10.11.4 but the cable worked fine in basic tests with:

(not free)

(and its built-in drivers) when I set 115200 baud, 8 bit, no parity, one stop bit, flow control being just XON/XOFF based.

[The official drivers from http://www.silabs.com/Support%20Documents/Software/ did not work and caused hangs of the process involved under Mac OS X 10.11.4 . I uninstalled those drivers before buying and trying Serial.]

As for booting FreeBSD:
(I'm not a FreeBSD developer so take my guesses as no more than guesses.)

As far as I know no work has been done to enable ODROID-C2 FreeBSD support and as its ARMv8 environment is without UEFI or the like the "tier 1" status for it likely does not apply for FreeBSD-11.0. Even if someone knew just what to do and got it booted today it might be considered a bit late to tier-1 something that was completely untested before this point.

And the FreeBSD developers probably have there hands full with things started well before now.

While I hope to use my ODROID-C2 with FreeBSD someday I'm not expecting it to be soon and bootstrapping kernels and such is not familiar material for me so I'm not much help on that issue (at least not on a reasonable time frame).

I also expect that if any ARMv7/ARMv6/. . . are given tier-1 status it will only specific SOCs/boards that get such a status: no claim of general tier-1 support. So even if, say, RPI2B gets such a status, it may well be that at least for a time even the RPI3B might not. Many SOC's/boards may never get such a status. Some may only get partial coverage and no official support. It likely is mostly tied to who has the knowledge and spends the time and would likely be around for continued support for a notable time.

In various respects ODROID-C2 is more like ARMv7/ARMv6/. . . relative to its likely, eventual support status as far as I can tell.

Mark Millard
markmi at dsl-only.net

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