Odroid C2 unable to boot

Mark Heily mark at heily.com
Mon Mar 28 01:09:32 UTC 2016

I tried loading the following image onto the SD card of my brand new Odroid


This is an ARMv8 board: more details at:


It failed to boot; the blue light that indicates boot activity never came
on. I was able to boot the Ubuntu 16.04 image that is provided at
hardkernel.com, so I'm confident it's not a problem with the Odroid itself
or the SD card.

Does anyone have a recommendation for a serial UART to USB adapter that
will let me connect the device to my main FreeBSD machine so I can debug
the issue further? The manufacturer recommends their own kit, which looks
like it's Windows-only:



 - Mark

P.S. Please CC: my personal email address as I am not subscribed to the
list yet.

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