Official images without noatime

Nikolai Lifanov lifanov at
Sat Mar 26 12:32:44 UTC 2016

> Hi,
> agree, in fact I have noatime on / as well. Shall be the default.
> Cheers,
> ---
> Jos? P?rez
> El 2016-03-26 00:38, Bernd Walter escribi?:
>> /boot/msdos has noatime, but / hasn't.
>> Considering SD media I think using noatime per default is a good
>> idea to avoid increased riscs of data loss on power failures.

Since we also default to SU-no-J, power failure can be quite bad during, 
say, installworld.
With / noatime, I had my RPI2 lose files like /usr/bin/cmp, /bin/ls, and 
/bin/cat during a power loss.
Since it's not even possible to cleanly shut down this platform, I'm for 
enabling noatime for / on
at least for RPI and RPI2 platforms.

- Nikolai Lifanov

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