FreeBSD on R-Pi and BBB: Odds and ends

Borodin Oleg onborodin at
Wed Mar 16 09:27:17 UTC 2016

On Tue, 15 Mar 2016 20:52:20 -0700
Hal Murray <hmurray at> wrote:

> onborodin at said:
> >> There is nothing on the R-Pi web page that tells you that there are 2 
> >> different packages to download for the Raspberry Pi: RPI-B and RPI2.    
> > RPI2 in development.  
> OK.  I was commenting on the wiki page for Raspberry Pi at:
> It doesn't use either "RPI2" or "development".
> I was pointing out what confused me in case anybody wanted to improve that 
> page.

> I think a paragraph that said something like
>     "FreeBSD-10.2-RELEASE-arm-armv6-RPI-B" works on B and B+. 
>     For Pi 2, you need "FreeBSD-11.0-CURRENT-arm-armv6-RPI2".
> would have been very helpful to me.

I agree, the page can misinform novices and have some information lag. Sorry, I have not right to edit this.

==== To all: Who is responsible for this page and/or can edit, or give right for editing? ====

>>Is there a way to read the temperature on the BBB?  I didn't find anything
>> in sysctl -a  

If I right, code for cpu temperature censor not yet released for the board, I cannot found about 
it in /usr/src/sys/arm/ti/am335x/ (11-CURRENT).

With best regards,

Oleg Borodin
onborodin at

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