FreeBSD on the RaspberryPi 3

Ilya Bakulin ilya at
Wed Mar 2 11:38:02 UTC 2016

On 2016-03-01 03:07, Adrian Chadd wrote:
> Someone ordered me one, so I can take a crack at the broadcom sdio 
> bits.
> It'll require the ARM SDIO driver to first work..

Actually SDIO support I'm working on is not ARM-specific, it can work 
with any SDHC driver FreeBSD already has support for.

With the release of RPi3 I'm kinda feel really motivated to finish SDIO 
implementation ASAP. I've already ordered one board yesterday.

Anyone who wants to track progress just keep an eye on
Short summary: my stack is already able to init SDIO cards and do data 
transfers. I need to implement some missing bits, but it's in a good 

I'm doing this work in my spare time, so cannot make any promises, 


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