'urtwn' & 'urtwnfw' Devices Unknown in r302145

Otacílio otacilio.neto at bsd.com.br
Sun Jun 26 17:14:33 UTC 2016

Em 26/06/2016 12:59, Thomas Laus escreveu:
> Ralf:
> I found that the entire /sys/conf/files section for the 'urtwn' USB network
> device was completely missing on my FreeBSD 11 installation.  I copied that
> section from my FreeBSD 10 Release computer and changed the directories to
> match the new file location.  My kernel compiles with the 'urtwn' and
> 'urtwnfw' devices but ifconfig still doesn't start my USB network device.
> The DMESG shows the correct model number of the EDIMAX N150 device but
> ifconfig still thinks that this device is not present.  I also tried a Belkin
> device that uses the same Realtek 8188US chip with the same results.  I added
> the license ack to /boot/loader.conf as well.
> It looks like there is still some work required to make this device operate
> with FreeBSD 11.
> Tom
I don't understand the problem that you are facing. I was running the 
ALPHA4 and now ALPHA5 and I do not have problems to detect my urtwn 
devices. All need is plug it into my notebook. I have tested using amd64 
and beaglebone black and both detects the device and it works.

ugen0.2: <vendor 0x0bda> at usbus0
urtwn0: <vendor 0x0bda product 0x8178, class 0/0, rev 2.00/2.00, addr 1> 
on usbus0
urtwn0: MAC/BB RTL8192CU, RF 6052 2T2R
urtwn0: enabling 11n
[ota at nostromo /usr/home/ota]$ uname -a
FreeBSD nostromo 11.0-ALPHA5 FreeBSD 11.0-ALPHA5 #1 r302205: Sun Jun 26 
05:33:10 BRT 2016 ota at squitch:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GENERIC-NODEBUG  amd64



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