Arduino Due
Kyle Evans
bsdports at
Sun Dec 18 15:13:53 UTC 2016
On Dec 18, 2016 03:42, "Bernd Walter" <ticso at> wrote:
On Sun, Dec 18, 2016 at 01:41:52AM -0600, Kyle Evans wrote:
> On Sun, Dec 18, 2016 at 1:14 AM, Adrian Chadd <adrian.chadd at>
> > hiya,
> >
> > can people upload example working / not working code and generated
> > binaries? Surely this is something a bit of disassembly should quickly
> > show. (eg, some mismatch ABI between runtimes and generated code,.)
> >
> >
> > -a
> >
> >
> Hi,
> I'm attaching some files that Goran has sent me off list, which I'm
> still working up some time to sit down with and examine. Included are
> compiled binaries and their associated build logs. I don't think he
> explicitly stated and I haven't been able to check, but I assume these
> are from the Blink example packaged with the IDE.
> His other problem, not being able to program the Due from the IDE, is
> one that I've experienced intermittently and have yet to pin down the
> exact cause for. In my experiences, it was that the IDE seemingly
> wouldn't perform the 1200 bps open/close after the first time I'd
> programmed it. Closing and re-opening the IDE or reconnecting the Due
> was fine. It does occur to me that I didn't think to ask if he was
> using the native port or the programming port -- I don't think I've
> ever had any luck with programming via the native port.
I'm pretty amazed that people even got so far.
The arduino IDE (which I really hate to be honest) and avr-gcc is in the
But how do you install the arm toolchain matching with the arduino
devel/arm-none-eabi-gcc and devel/arm-none-eabi-newlib pretty much covers
it (we use a newer version of both than upstream, though). CMSIS is bundled
with devel/arduino-core.
> I would have liked it if this detail was completely moved into
> devel/bossa, which is actually programming the device, but that idea
> has since been rejected upstream. I'm not entirely convinced that it's
> really doing the open/close properly or that there's not simply too
> much delay between triggering the bootloader and devel/bossa connecting.
Not sure about the arduino case, but with the ESP8266 I saw some USB
uarts worked fine (CP2102) and others (CH340) failed to start programming.
Adding some retries for the init handshake helped.
No idea what happens exactly, because the data itself looked fine when I'd
traced it with another USB uart.
There might be some timing differences.
B.Walter <bernd at>
Modbus/TCP Ethernet I/O Baugruppen, ARM basierte FreeBSD Rechner uvm.
The ESP8266 is devel/bossa supported as well, yeah? That's an interesting
datapoint. Does it require the 1200 bps init to erase and reboot in
bootloader mode?
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