Booting FreeBSD on BeagleBone Black from microSD by default

Ian Lepore ian at
Tue Apr 26 15:42:57 UTC 2016

On Tue, 2016-04-26 at 02:43 -0600, Mike Brown wrote:
> When I was looking to do this, I was told on IRC to just rename the
> MLO file:
> mkdir /emmc.root
> mount -t msdosfs /dev/mmcsd1s1 /emmc.root
> cd /emmc.root && mv MLO MLO.old
> Once MLO is renamed, /dev/mmcsd1s2 is then available for whatever you
> want. I 
> use it for swap.
> Is there any advantage to using the gpart method instead of renaming 
> MLO?

The only advantage is that it leaves everything else on the emmc
intact.  If you wanted to boot into linux all you'd need to do is turn
the active flag back on and reboot.

If you're sure you never want to use linux again, you can just
repartition / reformat the emmc and use it for whatever you want.

-- Ian

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