Odroidc1+ ethernet(dwc0) not working

Daniel Braniss danny at cs.huji.ac.il
Sat Apr 16 14:39:57 UTC 2016

> On 15 Apr 2016, at 10:29 AM, Daniel Braniss <danny at cs.huji.ac.il> wrote:
> Hi,
> after cleaning my act, I now have a working current, but
> the dwc ethernet is not. I can netboot, so the hardware/link is ok,
> any hints? BTW, kenv is also empty ...

very strange, 
1- doing a netboot (bootp the go …) loads the kernel, starts up but the dwc, is
     not working 
2- booting from the sd ,the dwc works, but has a different mac (ethernet address)

go figure,


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