zfs on BeagleBone

Brett Wynkoop freebsd-arm at wynn.com
Fri Mar 13 20:26:40 UTC 2015

On Fri, 13 Mar 2015 12:27:44 -0600
Ian Lepore <ian at freebsd.org> wrote:
say they are doing fine with rotating usb drives.
> How many times do I have to say that I tested exactly what you said
> you tested (granted, we're probably using different size and brands
> of usb thumb drive), and couldn't reproduce the problems at all?  I
> plugged the memory stick both into a powered hub, and directly into
> the beaglebone. I used the exact tar and rsync commands you did,
> using both nfs and ufs-on-sdcard as the source drive.  No errors, the
> copies always completed.
> I think it's looking increasingly like you have bad hardware.

Ian I am sorry.  It was totally lost on me that you tested to flash.  I
thought everyone else that tried were writing to rotating media.

It would seem we might be looking at flakey hardware, but I still have
to wonder since it seems to run fine on zfs no matter what I pound it



wynkoop at wynn.com               http://prd4.wynn.com/wynkoop/pgp-keys.txt

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