Raspberry Pi B+ - swap failure on boot [solved]

Trevor Roydhouse trev at sentry.org
Mon Mar 2 10:03:30 UTC 2015

Matthias Meyser wrote:
> Am 02.03.2015 um 06:08 schrieb Brett Wynkoop:
>> I do not think it is a Pi specific failure.  I recall I had the same
>> thing happening on my BBone a few weeks ago, but I do not recall how I
>> fixed it.
> Dito!
> I think I replaced "md99" by just "md" and that worked.
> But I am not sure.

I tried that in various combinations without any success.

However, I have solved the issue on the rpi B+.

There is an /etc/rc.d/swap file. If I remove this file from /etc/rc.d 
then swap works on boot (and is in fact added by /etc/rc.d/swaplate). If 
I leave /etc/rc.d/swap, swap always fails on boot.

Trevor Roydhouse
Systems Developer
Australasian Legal Information Institute    Web  : www.austlii.edu.au

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