Getting started with freebsd-arm on Cubox-i2

Brett Glass brett at
Tue Dec 29 12:15:06 UTC 2015

At 08:10 PM 12/27/2015, Ian Lepore wrote:

>Since there are no video drivers in the image you're running, there's
>no memory wasted on a framebuffer.  The remaining memory is the kernel
>itself and page tables and other things that aren't accounted for by
>the vm system, which is where the numbers in top come from.

Great! My next question: How to get more storage. When I flashed onto an
8 GB card, booted, and then brought in the package manager, I filled the
card. If I put in a 16 GB card, will FFS automatically be expanded to fill
the card? Or will I have to do that manually?


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