FreeBSD 10.1 / 11 on a Raspberry Pi B+ / 2 ?

Andreas Schwarz freebsd.asc at
Thu Apr 30 23:54:09 UTC 2015

On 22.04.15, Luiz Otavio O Souza wrote:

Hi all,

> Yes, that is right, we need a different u-boot for it.
> I'm working on the new u-boot, it's working already, its a matter of
> tidy up the port and get everything in its place.

New u-boot is there, but unfortunately I'm not successful yet. First, I've tried 
to upgrade my installation, building u-boot-rpi2 and the Kernel with RPI2 kernelconf 
(added the ARM_NEW_PMAP option). The new u-boot-rpi2 and ubldr seem to work and the 
kernel is loaded, but when the kernel should start/boot, the RPI2 shuts down suddenly, 
all LED are off, nothing.

To keep sure that I don't make a mistake, I've build (independently from my installation) 
a completly new image, described in the Wiki (link below). But I run in the exacly same 

Here is my rpi2 image, build by following the wiki instructions (it's not working for 
me). For security reasons I've removed my ssh pubkey from /root/.ssh/.

Maybe someone can check and confirm or deny the behavior.


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